Usually some great deals on sandpaper, end grain sealer, glue, and other odds and ends. You might even cut deal on power tools, but that seems to vary (both brand and deal)
I was hoping I could get a deal on the Rikon mini:icon_scra.The hf lathe I got from Gary"NCturner" ain't nothing but junk.It's NOT Garys fault:no::no:.I got the first one home and found that the head shaft had runout:BangHead: I called the store and they said to bring it and exchange it:wink_smil:eusa_clap.Thanks Gary for sending the receipt:icon_thum.Brought it home and guess what yep the d@#$% thing has BAD runout.SO I called them back and he said he would give me a refund,Planning on taking that and getting the Rikon mini at Woodcraft:eusa_thin.
Someone usually has a "bring in your old" power tool for credit towards a new one. Last year was Bosch drills. Don't hold me to it...can't remember where I saw it but I think I saw this year's promo was a similar deal on a PC ROS?? Anyone know the details???