Can you guess what this was used for???

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New User
A divider for laying out multiple measurements, a compass for drawing circles, a scribe for transfering contours, or a double ended poker type thing-a-ma-jig. Don't leave us in suspense, tell us please. Dave:)


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Chris Jones
That looks like the ones we used to have in school with chalk in them, back when we had blackboards.

Big Mike

New User
This a SWAG but could they have been used to scribe joints on log houses? Mighty fancy if that is the case but folks took pride in their tools in the "olden days". Seems like Abe had a compass like that when I was helping him build his log cabin.....


Michael Shelley
Corporate Member
Well, Jonz got it right. I can remember my grade school teacher using one to draw circles on the black board. I have also seen David Marks use one to draw large circles on wood. I picked this up at a yard sale for $2.00. I believe it is made of maple and although I don't know for certain how old it is, I would suspect it is at least 50+ years old, maybe more. I have seen others on ebay but they don't look quite as elaborate as mine. I may never use it but some day I just might. Who knows what may lurk around the bend.
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