Beginnings of new registration process

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New User
I had promised to provide more automation to the residency process. I have started making the changes, but I have to be very careful about making the changes, becuase the smallest bug could create a situation where nobody could register

So the parts I put in overnight actually may make a bit more work on your part. Sorry.:slap: It also means the process for all new members will be a bit slower for a week or 2.

1. New user registration email will go to the webmaster. That means that all of you who are monitoring that address will see new user registrations with their pertinent info immediately.

2. Once the new registrant, responds to their activation email, their account will be sent to user moderation automatically.

3. An email will be sent to the webmaster address notifying the fact that a user is in moderation. Then one of us will have to accept or deny the registration.

4. Each of you is empowered to approve any new user who clearly meets residency requirements. If this user does not meet our residency requirements, just leave it be and either Monty or I will make the decision.

If you look at your profile, you will see the same info about residency that is being presented to the person being registered. That should give you an idea on what to base your decision on.

Thanks, in advance for helping with this extra workload.
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New User
Two questions: First, will one have to go into either Mod or Admin CP to approve new members?
Second, should we put an e-mail out as we approve a new member so others don't go and try to do it also?



New User
Pete Davio
wouldn't the user name no longer be in moderation for approval???? so others could try, but find nothing there??? oh, I see:slap:


New User
Two questions: First, will one have to go into either Mod or Admin CP to approve new members?
Second, should we put an e-mail out as we approve a new member so others don't go and try to do it also?

Yes, you will have to go into the admin or mod cp to do the aprroval or deletion.

Once the action is taken by someone, they will no longer be in the moderation queue. So an email probably isn't necessary.


New User
Cool, after asking my question I went looking in the Cp's. I don't think that user moderation is available in Mod Cp, but I did find it in Admin. So I actually answer my question myself, but I still wanted to see what you had to say :lol:



New User
So, as I read it, this means we'll be getting TWO emails for each new registration? Why don't we just get the 2nd email and skip the first? Very few people fail to respond to their activation email, and those will be dropped automatically. Those who do respond will go to moderation, and only then can we actually DO something... right?


New User
So, as I read it, this means we'll be getting TWO emails for each new registration? Why don't we just get the 2nd email and skip the first? Very few people fail to respond to their activation email, and those will be dropped automatically. Those who do respond will go to moderation, and only then can we actually DO something... right?
I can't do that using just "plugins" :BangHead: This is only temporary until I do the rest of the changes. Sorry


Since moderation requires access to the AdminCP, do you want to limit the staff to Steve, Monty, DaveO and the Admininstrators? Just a suggestion.



Sorry, a little dense tonight, not sure what you mean?
I was thinking that Moderators could not access AdminCP -- and that only the group I mentioned can access it. Thus the limited group to approve non-residents. Rob


New User
I was thinking that Moderators could not access AdminCP -- and that only the group I mentioned can access it. Thus the limited group to approve non-residents. Rob
The first question is, who can see the webmaster's emails?

Those people are:

I don't think DL is going to be active in the near future. In fact, I just removed him from the cc list.

So that only leaves 4 people, who will even see the emails. I know that all four of those people have user moderation privileges. So from that point of few there is no problem.

Is that enough people to make sure that new users who meet residency requirements, are approves reasonably quickly? I think so, but feel free to disagree.:lol: And remember this is only temporary. When all the changes are made, the system will go back to working the way it was with the exception of people who don't meet the residency requirements, who will be the only ones to go into moderation.


New User
As I was writing my last response, I realized, I just went back on a decision that had already been made.:oops: :slap:

There was a discussion on whether or not everyone should help with the non-resident user decisions. At that time, it was decided that only one person should do that, so that there was a consistent basis for the application of allowed exceptions. That person was to be Monty as Webmaster.

Once again I forgot and stepped on Monty's toes.:eusa_naug:slap: :BangHead: Sorry:oops:

So unless Monty wants to change the process, let's keep to that decision. So in general, we all can and should help approve those users who clearly meet residency requirements, but those non-residents should be approved or denied by Monty.

I changed the procedure written in the first post of this thread to reflect this. Please read it again and make sure I said it clearly and everyone understands.

Again, sorry for the screw up.


New User
So, as I read it, this means we'll be getting TWO emails for each new registration? Why don't we just get the 2nd email and skip the first? Very few people fail to respond to their activation email, and those will be dropped automatically. Those who do respond will go to moderation, and only then can we actually DO something... right?

I can't do that using just "plugins" :BangHead: This is only temporary until I do the rest of the changes. Sorry

Monty, it sure is good you are there to keep me honest:eusa_clap I was wrong. There is an option to turn off the "first" email and I have set it. Now there is only the second email after the user has replied to their activation message.

I made the new message a bit more informative that it was, but not as informative as I would like. But I've run out of time for now and I think it is good enough for right now


New User
hehehe.... looks like you're trying to boost your post count, there Steve! ;) I have no problem with others dealing with the moderation of new members, especially since the vast majority of new members are actually in-state and should be approved as a matter of course. I'll be happy to continue to tackle the "problems" as they arise.
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