Angle calculator

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Corporate Member
Due to a recent discussion about barrel staves and bevel changes, I was doing a web search and came across this free downloadable spreadsheet at woodweb:

- Spreadsheet Calculation Program -- for Curves, Angles, Compound Miters and Springback

Looks pretty good and has worksheets for angles, arcs, chords, spiral stair calculations, etc. If you right-click on the answer to the calclation, it will give you the cell reference for the formula, if you want to do it the old fashion way. Its in MS Excel and Works format. For those running linux, it comes up fine for me in 2.0.

Hope this helps someone and isn't a repeat post.



New User
Possible for you to put he link in he link library or even upload it to our library:rolleyes5cz:
Due to a recent discussion about barrel staves and bevel changes, I was doing a web search and came across this free downloadable spreadsheet at woodweb:

- Spreadsheet Calculation Program -- for Curves, Angles, Compound Miters and Springback

Looks pretty good and has worksheets for angles, arcs, chords, spiral stair calculations, etc. If you right-click on the answer to the calclation, it will give you the cell reference for the formula, if you want to do it the old fashion way. Its in MS Excel and Works format. For those running linux, it comes up fine for me in 2.0.

Hope this helps someone and isn't a repeat post.



Corporate Member
Added the link to Woodworking References, because the site also has many other calculators and references. Added the spreadsheet to Charts, Guides & Spec Sheets in the Download library. There were no restrictions I could find for the useage or copying on the web site other than the following:

Use of Site Information. Except as otherwise indicated elsewhere on this Site, you may view, copy, print, and distribute information available on this Site subject to the following conditions:
1. The information may be used solely for personal, informational, non-commercial purposes; 2.The information may not be modified or altered in any way; 3. Any copy of the information or portion thereof must include the copyright notice above and this permission notice; and 4. WOODWEB reserves the right to revoke such authorization at any time, and any such use shall be discontinued immediately upon written notice from WOODWEB.

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