Tried to donate

Joseph Delfino

My username gets flagged in the payments center box, Am I supposed to change it to the name on my credit card? I'm sure I'm missing something because it took until today to realize I need to leave the recur at 0 for a one-time donation. :confused:


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They payment page needs to have the name associated with your credit card account.


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Step 1: Enter the amount to donate. Leave at zero for 1 time donation:

Screen Shot 2024-02-07 at 10.04.37 AM.png

Step 2:
Your username should carry over from the account you are logged in as. Leave as is. Also, your email address should be there too. You can change if you want it to go to a different email address.

Everything else is from your credit card, as your provider mails it to you. If any of the information does not match exactly, if will fail to process.

Screen Shot 2024-02-07 at 10.05.35 AM.png

Step 3:
Click 'Save' ONE TIME ONLY. It will take a moment to process. You will receive a message the transaction was successful, or it failed due to an error on your part. Read the message carefully and try again if there was a failure.

Joseph Delfino

Well it's not working for me, maybe cause I live to far north LOL?

I tried putting my full name Joseph Delfino Jr in the user name box which is what it seems to want. I've also tried it with my user name in that box (JoeDel) with the same result. Trying again....

I get an "FAILURE: ADcln - AVS (N)" error.

Could it be I'm trying to use a debit card? Never had any problems using it any other time.


Corporate Member
Your user name (JoeDel) goes in the first line.
then your email address
Then the name on the credit card.
address etc


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Joe, do you have another card you can try. I have not had any problems.


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We usually have issues with debit cards. The "N" error is 'Street address and ZIP code do not match'.


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I'm not at a location where I can view the actual failed transaction.

Joseph Delfino

Well let me look into this a little more tomorrow, my wife may end up with the bill LMAO!
Just kidding, I generally try to use the one account or PayPal for online stuff which isn't our main card but might make an exception here.


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Joe, please try once again. I have modified a setting in how the values are passed to our credit card processor.


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Quick summary, the code to send the data was taking the ZIP code text and read it into the form as an integer. With Joe's ZIP code, the leading 0 was getting left out of the data sent. I modified the code to read this as a string value. Much like how Excel treats numbers you enter into a cell.


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Quick summary, the code to send the data was taking the ZIP code text and read it into the form as an integer. With Joe's ZIP code, the leading 0 was getting left out of the data sent. I modified the code to read this as a string value. Much like how Excel treats numbers you enter into a cell.
Thanks for your hard work Neal. Thank you Joe for your patience.


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Good to have patience. Good to have code skills.

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