Style sheet error?


New User
In the NCWW style sheet for this site's pages normally look like this:


This morning things changed to look like this:


Notice how the stuff that was in a single line below the post's title became a bulleted list, the titles are no longer bold text, and info on the right side of each item got messed up. Lines between posts dissappeared too.

If this was intentional, then please consider reverting to the old way. This is quite hard to read and make sense out of as is.

Jim, NN4JW


New User
I take that back. It seems to be something strange going on with Firefox. If I clear the cache it looks normal. Then I hit the Home button and it gets messed up again. As long as I don't hit the Home button it seems ok. I don't see the same behavior in Chrome. I've got some thing else in progress right now so I can't reboot. But as soon as that completes I'll mess around and see if I can figure out what evilness Firefox is up to.


Staff member
Corporate Member
Working fine for me on my PC in both Edge and Firefox. Also working fine on my Kindle Fire tablet running Silk.


New User
After clearing the Firefox cache (again) and after rebooting the PC it appears to be OK now. Thanks. Strangely, I was also seeing this with Firefox on my Samsung tablet earlier today and it looks fine now without clearing the cache. I did reboot it though earlier.

Weirdness still gets me from time to time even after 40 some odd years of systems programming and admin.


The symptoms you reported look the same as what I noticed earlier today in this thread.

Everything appears to be back to normal for me now.


New User
The error is back for me on my Samsung tablet. I've cleared everything I can in Firefox and set it to clear everything it can except saved passwords on exit. If I use the Home button the error shows up along with reverting to mobile view from desktop view. If I use the What's New button everything looks ok. This might be a Firefox issue, but it smells like a subtle interaction with accessing certain pages and whether style sheets are getting used properly on the site. If I was seeing strangeness at all on other sites I'd really think the problem was on my device.

Oh, I should add that if I use the default style instead of the NCWW style everything is working fine on this tablet.


Recovering tool addict
Corporate Member
The error is back for me on my Samsung tablet. I've cleared everything I can in Firefox and set it to clear everything it can except saved passwords on exit. If I use the Home button the error shows up along with reverting to mobile view from desktop view. If I use the What's New button everything looks ok. This might be a Firefox issue, but it smells like a subtle interaction with accessing certain pages and whether style sheets are getting used properly on the site. If I was seeing strangeness at all on other sites I'd really think the problem was on my device.

Oh, I should add that if I use the default style instead of the NCWW style everything is working fine on this tablet.
I'm having the same problem. It popped up within the last hour or so, first time I've experienced it.


New User
Actually, you might want to try to flush your dns cache at the router.

My router doesn't really have that option. But just to sort of force it I switched to some different, hard-coded DNS servers. My tablet does use a wireless access point and not the main router directly, but DHCP is handled by the main router where the DNS adresses are configured so there are no DNS servers coded or used at the access point. Thanks anyway. No change to the problem yet.

Barry W

Co-Director of Outreach
Corporate Member
My laptop running Chrome did not have this problem until this evening, all was fine this morning. I cleaned caches, temp files, etc. with CCleaner this morning and again tonight after the problem appeared. The problem does not appear to be unique to Firefox.

Addendum: This issue is now present when I select the Forums.
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