Searching for wrong syntax, grinder angle jigs


Corporate Member
Yea, I could make them, but seems I saw advertised somewhere a set of plastic jigs that set on the 8 inch wheel and your grinder platform to make adjusting the angle quicker and easier. Any hints? 25, 30, 35 degree or so.


Corporate Member
Close. Those are for setting up for turning tools on a Wolverine. ( I might want them too) I want to set the flat table for chisels and irons.


Corporate Member
One can use a fancy jig like ROckler, but that only works for long enough tools. Not things like spoke shaves or chisels that have been well used and shorter. Found some on "printables" but I have no printer.


Corporate Member
Well, I went ahead and made one. out pf phenolic. 25 and 30 degree. I am surprised there are not a lot out there, sets for 6, 8 and 10 inch wheels. Seems like a good $7 set.

bob vaughan

Bob Vaughan
Senior User
There's an awful lot of variable geometry for one gauge to fit all angles. A 1/4" thick chisel at a given setting will not give the same bevel on an 1/8" hand plane blade. Also, low end grinders won't have the tool rest angle options a regular bench grinder will have.

grndr - 1.jpg grndr - 2.jpg


Corporate Member
Can you just adjust the table to match the angle on the blade you want to grind? Fewer widgets to keep track of as well.


Corporate Member
There's an awful lot of variable geometry for one gauge to fit all angles. A 1/4" thick chisel at a given setting will not give the same bevel on an 1/8" hand plane blade. Also, low end grinders won't have the tool rest angle options a regular bench grinder will have.

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Guess that's why. Not too worried about the degree maybe between the top and bottom of a chisel. Even my "new" wood jointer has a tapered iron. I have been converted to the hollow grid, then free hand sharpening club.

Yea, I have Wolverine tool rests and the ubiquitous Rikon grinder with Woodturners CBN wheels.

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