Propane Club thread moved ..updated update

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New User
Anyone here a member of this co-op or know someone who is ? Pros ? Cons ? Any input at all appreciated. :icon_thum I just stumbled on it accidentally and did some research but I want some real info if it is available


Ferrel switched my tank today. I pre-paid for this first fill up so I could be assured of my price.( trusting soul that I am ) Sure enough $2.19 a gal + tax other fees :icon_cheers I am locked in at this price until April :gar-Bi
The technician checked all my lines for leaks, checked the appliances and even cleaned out the burner holes on my gas-log fireplace :eek: :eusa_clap He recommended we clean the glass and wd-40 the hinges on the fireplace doors. very thorough, very professional according to The Shoppe Widow.
we'll se what happens next year but this year I'm saving over $1.00 a gal and have found no surprises.
The only set-back has been that these people are as busy as one-armed welders and I have had to be a little patient
Be reminded that i have an above-ground tank. different rules for in-ground
Feel free to use my name as a reference :gar-Bi

Bill Clemmons

Corporate Member
Re: NC Propane Club

I've never heard of it, but I'd be interested to learn more. I currently use AmeriGas and am VERY unsatisfied.



New User
Re: NC Propane Club

Google it, I'm a little jaded with McKraken, hence my research. they want to charge me $49.99 for a lock in contract ! :eek: I have been a pay-on-time cust for 8 years ! This co-op wants $49.99 dues and is handled through ferrel gas my attention fer shure if there is no catch :eusa_thin


Corporate Member
Re: NC Propane Club

Not familiar with the co-op you are referring to, but we use Ferrel Gas at work, besides a few billing issues which they were quick to work out they are great. CS there is spot on.


New User
Re: NC Propane Club

I would be interested too if they service northern Granville county. At $3.19 a gallon plus TAX and DELIVERY - I'm praying for a mild winter. My FIL took out a loan to pay for propane in Southern IL (no joke). The prices are absolutely crazy... I understand it's a "cleaner" burning fuel than say wood and it's "better" for the environment than burning wood. But if prices don't come down we'll all be burning wood again because we won't be able to afford propane for our tanks.

Anyone know why are propane prices are through the roof? Is there a propane shortage or something?


Corporate Member
Re: NC Propane Club

I do not know anything about this company, but there was a similar organization in Chicago (I moved from there earlier this year) that would negotiate with the power company to get a reduced rate. They were constantly in trouble with the attorney general (the folks in Chicago) and kept getting shut down and then forming a new company under a different name.

I will call the BBB and see if they know. It sure sounds like a good deal.


Staff member
Corporate Member
Re: NC Propane Club

Up on the border I have a 100 lb tank for fireplace and grill. There is a $75.00 tank charge unless I use a 100 lbs or more per year. Bottom line "tell me more".


Staff member
Corporate Member
Re: NC Propane Club

Yeah, back when I switched to propane heat, LP Gas was about a buck a gallon, now Amerigas is charging almost $4 / gal similar to the price of gasoline.

Maybe Cary will get that natural gas line close to the house someday.

Let us know what you find out.

- Ken.


New User
Re: NC Propane Club

Yeah, back when I switched to propane heat, LP Gas was about a buck a gallon, now Amerigas is charging almost $4 / gal similar to the price of gasoline.

Maybe Cary will get that natural gas line close to the house someday.

Let us know what you find out.

- Ken.
Propane is unregulated, so price is what the distributor thinks you will pay. To help hold you hostage, only distributor can fill your tank (NC Law,) as it's his property. My distributor gives a discount for automatic fill up, but since I use only one 280 gallon tank a year, I'm not on that program. I paid $2.75 as gallon, plus tax delivered in late Oct. For heating, propane isn't a hot idea. Sure it's clean, but you pay thru the nose for your BTU's. Propane has 96,000 BTU's per gallon, while #2 heating oil has 140,000 BTU's per gallon, but both usually cost about the same. A 70% efficient oil furnace is actually cheaper to operate than a 100% efficient propane furnace, of which there are none. In front of my property is a high pressure (1300 PSI) natural gas transmission line. They offer hook ups, but the gas company only pays for the first 75 feet of line. I'm over 500 feet from road. Privacy has it's costs.


New User
Re: Propane Club thread moved

OK, I have a little more info. Spoke with the feller who is running the co-op Glen Gibson. He has a good pitch and a good idea. I also spoke with Ferrel Gas and they do indeed back him 100%. Your service is subject to Ferrel's rules and regs as far as credit, delivery, payment etc and you pay Ferrel but they give you the co-op price for the entire season. The price is re-negotiated in the summer The lady at Ferrel was very pleasant and forthcoming with what info she had. There has been a lot of inquiry lately as news of this spreads. It is a statewide program. i am not going to personally vouch for the guy or the program yet but he has given me references of members in Y-ville that i am going to talk to and I will most likely give this a shot if it continues to hold water. I strongly suggest personal due deligence in this but it certainly seems worth the time and trouble.


Corporate Member
Re: Propane Club thread moved

I checked with the BBB and they know the club exists, but have had no complaints. The club has existed for a year, but the BBB has only known about them for a few months. I found someone on asking about them too, but there were no relies. I PM'd the person on City Data and they did not find anything out about the club either and have not signed up.

That's all I know.


New User
Re: Propane Club thread moved

So what's the bottom line? How much does it cost to join the CO-OP and how much does do members save per gallon?


Corporate Member
Re: Propane Club thread moved

$50 to join ($25 for seniors) and $2.19 a gallon. If you refer someone and they join you get $100 credit toward propane. The first one to join could make out ;)


New User
Re: Propane Club thread moved

$50 to join ($25 for seniors) and $2.19 a gallon. If you refer someone and they join you get $100 credit toward propane. The first one to join could make out ;)
Sound like something Brenie Madoff thought up to me.


Staff member
Corporate Member
Re: Propane Club thread moved

$50 to join ($25 for seniors) and $2.19 a gallon. If you refer someone and they join you get $100 credit toward propane. The first one to join could make out ;)

So is that 2.19 guaranteed for the year or the season? The year is almost over. Just saying.

- Ken.

bobby g

Corporate Member
Re: Propane Club thread moved

Who will be the company that delivers it to your house. What is their service area? $2.19 is a really good price but is it real? Watch out for extras like fuel surcharge, etc. being added on.

bobby g


New User
Re: Propane Club thread moved

price is good until April .......nothing hidden that I have discovered so far and i have talked to Ferrel Gas
I agree with the Bernie angle ...makes me wonder too :eusa_thin


Staff member
Corporate Member
Re: Propane Club thread moved

Wonder how much the actual switch from Amerigas to Ferril will cost. The Amerigas contract includes fees for pumping out the tank, removing tank, etc. Then you have to rent a new tank from Ferril.

Sounds like a lot of trouble and expense to switch. But then they would make it that way wouldn't they?

- Ken.
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