Powder Post Beetle attack?

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I've seen the little piles of powder from PPB and followed many threads on this site. I have a beech log that came from a tree that died last fall at a friend's place. I wanted to try turning some bowls from beech. I cut the piece and painted the ends with Anchorseal on June 16, and stored it on top of a couple other big maple logs to keep it off the ground. Sunday I went to cut some bowl blanks and found what I think is a PPB damage.

I have never seen frass stuck together and protruding out of wood like this, some as long as 3/4"

It was coming out of both ends and along the side through the bark. Taking a closer look, I found what I think was one of the adults, which in real life was only 1/4" or so long.

From my research, it appears to be the Anobiid variety, as they attack heartwood as well as sapwood and are the only ones mentioned that like beech wood.

I'm interested in hearing if anyone can add to this.


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Bruce Swanson
I've never seen anything like that either Rich. I'm glad you have the photo to document this. I will be interested in reading other responses to your post.

Bill Clemmons

Corporate Member
Rich, you might try contacting the Cooperative Extension (NC State) office in Pittsboro. They should have someone on staff who can help identify what you're seeing. If not, they can refer you to someone in Raleigh.

Roy G

Senior User
Rich, I've never seen the frass sticking out of the wood like that. Does it have something to do with the sealer you put on the log? What does the frass feel like? Is it crumbly or sticky? It would be interesting to see what the bowls look like after they are turned. Might be some interesting patterns from the bug tunnels.

Roy G


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I don't think it has anything to do with the Anchorseal, as it is coming out the side of the log through the bark as well. It's sticky and breaks off in long pieces.
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