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Lee Hadden

After a too-long hiatus from shop work, and then having to rebuild and restock the tools after a fire two years ago, I'm finally back into woodworking and metalsmithing [the fire was from a lightning stike].

Does anyone have a lead on someone with a portable saw mill who can rough cut lumber from trees [I figure I might as well get something back from the what remains of the tree that was struck and others taken down where the shop now stands]. Preferably it should be someone you can recommend based on personal experience.

Lee Hadden
Wingate, NC


New User
Welcome to the site. Sorry to hear about the fire, but look on the bright side you get to shop for tools all over again, and lightening never strikes twice so you have that problem licked. I wish I could give a recommendation for a sawyer in your area, but I don't know of any. If you go to Woodmiser's website they will give the names of people in your area with their mill, so you can check out their product, and you can contact them for sawing services.

Lee Hadden

Thanks for the reply. Actually this has been the first time I got tired of shoping for tools [at least during the inventory and current pricing at stores and catalogs for insurance purposes]. But it was fun to actually buy the new ones and more so to begin using them. Lightning may not stike twice in the same place [that tree's gone afterall !], but it can close-by -- a tree [another oak] on the other side of the yard was hit 10 years ago and the rear neighbor has has two strikes [both oaks]. I've had most trees near the house and new shop removed to avoid future similar problems [still have lots left in the rest of the yard].



Clay Lowman
Welcome to the site Lee. Sorry you had to get all new stuff. Well, it can be a pain to go through insurance. I'm glad you're back in the saddle.


New User
Glad you joined us Lee and look forward to your shop progress.

Stay well grounded,


Co-director of Outreach
Corporate Member
Sorry to hear that you had to buy NEW tools! I know what ya mean about the trees. Reminds me of Hurricane Fran. Welcome aboard:eusa_danc


New User
Welcome to the group Lee. You'll find a lot of great people and great advice here. I've only been a member for a few weeks now, but I have found the level of expertise and the sense of friendship to be very refreshing. I always hesitated to ask questions or make comments on others sites because I could usually count on someone making a comment on how dumb my questions/comment was. I have never seen that happen on this forum. Just the opposite. Members have gone out of their way to not tell me I was stupid to do something that way. :lol:

Anyway... the water is great! Jump on in!


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Michael Shelley
Welcome Lee. I have no doubts that you will find this site as useful as any tool in your shop. Information is abundant and best of all, its FREE! All members are devoted to sharing knowledge and they will be the most helpful bunch of folks you have ever encountered. Trust me, you won't regret joining.

Mike :icon_thum

D L Ames

New User
D L Ames
Lee, I just want to toss out my welcome to you also. It is great to have you aboard. I look forward to seeing some your work as well as your new shop.



We're so glad you are joining us. This is a great group of folks! Sorry to hear about your fire. It's great getting new toys (uhm tools) but what a bummer to have to get them for that reason. There's a saw mill between Rutherfordton and Morganton that might cut your logs, but you'd have to get them to them. I can find their info if you want to check with them.


Corporate Member
I'm a little late in offering my welcome, but welcome to the site. Your in the right place:eusa_danc
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