New Member in Greensboro


Senior User
Hi All!

Introducing myself as requested. Located in Greensboro and recently got into laser engraving. Once I got into that, I realized many of the crafts I wanted to do require multiple applications/tools so the last few months have been quite a learning journey, not to mention expensive. Fortunately, one of my close friends is the daughter of Bill Clemmons so with his help the learning has been accelerated.

I'll most likely be seeking advice more than I am able to provide advice for alot of things here, but I do have a couple Etsy stores, have had bestseller tags, etc so I can answer questions regarding selling on their site as well as anything about the lasers I have (Xtool D1 Pro 20W and Glowforge Pro).

I look forward to getting to know you all and learning from you!


Senior User
You do realize that you have now jumped down the rabbit hole feet first, right?

Welcome to the forum!
Haha yes. Pretty much I say I want to x...need this tool....want to do this...need x tool....but I'm enjoying it. I have been warned though that ya'll are better at spending my money than I am when it comes to buying new tools :)


Senior User
Thank you all for the warm welcome; I truly appreciate it and again am looking forward to learning from you all.

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