Matte or flat finish for patio table?

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New User
Since I'm new at this, I thought I'd ask the braintrust for suggestions. LOML recently purchased a patio table that has what appears to be, a cedar or cypress top. I like the look of the wood but realize we need to protect it from water rings left by drinks:drunken_s . It is on a covered/screened porch, but occasionaly gets wet from blowing rains. She doesn't want a shiny finish on it. What would be the best product to protect the wood without changing the color much or being too shiny? Thanks in advance for your help!
Take care,

PS Before anyone asks why I didn't build it, it is a black wicker base with matching wicker chairs, and I don't do wicker!!!!


New User
With all the finishing experts on the site, I would have bet money SOMEONE would have responded to my question:lol: .
Did I make everyone angry and now I'm getting the cold shoulder:crybaby2: ?
Sorry if I did....


New User
PappyJ said:
With all the finishing experts on the site, I would have bet money SOMEONE would have responded to my question:lol: .
Did I make everyone angry and now I'm getting the cold shoulder:crybaby2: ?
Sorry if I did....

PappyJ - I am SURE that is not the case. There are so many postings on the site now with all the new members that to keep up with them all is tricky. There have been many postings recently about protecting adirondack chairs that are out side made in these woods.

I don't normally like to just point members with questions at a thread link, but in this case you might find the info you need as I have no direct experience with this topic. Hope something works for you.

D L Ames

New User
D L Ames
Randy, sorry about the lack of response to your question so far. If nothing else this thread should have been bumped for you to prevent it from being buried beneath more active threads.

I am by no means an expert on finishing but since you are just looking to add some protection with a matte finish if one some of the products normally used to protect decks would meet your needs. Penofin oil was a product mentioned in an earlier thread from Jeff in regards to his questing about protecting a cedar deck. This may not be the route you are looking for but its at least an option. There is more info on Penofin oil located at their website,



New User
Thanks for the responses, everyone.
DavidF, I did search the threads for words like "MATTE" and "FLAT" but got very few hits that were actually in reference to finishes. I think I will experiment with some of the polys and see what I come up with.
Thanks again,
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