Machine shop/ Fabricator Recommendations? Spindle Sander Spindles


Heath Hendrick
Senior User
Does anyone have any recommendations for a good machine shop/ fabricator in the area - or perhaps someone w/ metal working skills/ tooling in the group, that would take on a small order? I'm in the process of restoring an old Boice Crane spindle sander, and the machine only came w/ 1 spindle.

The spindles on these are fairly simple, ultimately a 1MT on one end, of a smooth/straight shaft threaded on 1 end for a nut. The original pic is below, and I have a 3/4" spindle example for reference as well, though it is slightly bent, so I'd like to replace that one as well ultimately.

I'll have to source the rubber drums separately, but that seems like it shouldn't be too difficult, (hopefully not famous last words). Thanks!



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Some folks have been able to use Grizzly spindles in their spindle sanders. Not sure if they will adapt to Boice Crane.

bob vaughan

Bob Vaughan
Senior User
Keep in mind that shorter sanding sleeves seem to be popular these days. I made several spindles to fit these shorter sleeves plus one spindle to fit the old Delta 3" sanding drum.
I also found that electrical tape works well to hold the sanding strips.

bcoss - 1.jpg


Heath Hendrick
Senior User
That’s an awesome set Bob - great idea. Re: the spindles themselves, did you make yourself, or have them made? Are there some “off the shelf” parts (ie MT adapters, etc) that may not be aware of that can simply be screwed/ otherwise joined together, or is some sort of metal turning/ fab involved - to be farmed out to a metalworker?

bob vaughan

Bob Vaughan
Senior User
Short answer to off-the-shelf stuff: No. Been there when I first got my BC OSS.
I had to turn the spindles myself plus I made a pile of inserts from Corian.
I've got a lathe (15"x54") so I can turn about anything I want.
Turning a MT is a fussy setup to get right.
What size spindles do you think you'll need? Give that some thought.
For my uses, I'll use the 1" diameter the most. The little skinny sizes I rarely use because there's so little abrasive.
Do you have a 3" Delta brand sanding drum? (the old style with discs of plastic washers and rubber discs.)?


Senior User
I've used Hamilton Machine Works in Raleigh for odd jobs and been happy with the work. It's been years tho.


I had the local machine shop to make some 3/4 spindles for me. He is gone now, but he used his CNC machine to thread and taper the 3/4 stock and then added a collar for the bottom stop.
I made the 1/4 to 5/8 using MT blanks and bolts respectively removing the bolt heads and threading the blanks and the opposing ends of the bolts.


Heath Hendrick
Senior User
Thanks guys - especially Bob! One of the post threads you sent on OWWM, lead me to another member there, who while not necessarily openly advertised, still makes/ stocks replacement spindles for the old Boice-Crane sanders. I have a set of (2)-3/4" spindles, and (1)-1/2" on the way. They aren't exactly cheap, so I'll try to make my slightly bent 3/4" work as well. My ultimate plans here are to have the 1/2" spindle setup w/ a sleeve, (the smallest diameter I can realistically see myself needing, as to Bob's point above, there really isn't much abrasive there), and then a combination of sleeves and rubber drums to fit the 3/4" spindles to cover 3/4", 1", 1.1/2", and 2", (the largest diameter the throat plates I have will allow w/o modification, which wont be the end of the world if needed). Fortunately Supergrit still manufacturers and sells drums for the 3/4" arbors, and sleeves to fit the above sizes, in the 9" lengths I need here, (6" for the 1/2" diameter).

As a compliment to this OSS, I'm also working on rehabbing an old Ekstrom Carlson 111 edge sander, (my last OWWM "quest" piece), and that machine has a 3" idler drum/ end table to let me use the larger diameter there, in addition to the edge sanding.

bob vaughan

Bob Vaughan
Senior User
A couple of tips for the future.
When at rest, loosen the nuts on the spindles with rubber sleeves. Removing the abrasive sleeve isn't a bad idea either.
A 9" spindle is long enough to allow you to flip the sanding sleeve to a new abrasive surface.

Your EC 111 is going to be a sweetheart once restored.

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