Is there a way to save certain post for personal reference?

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New User
I would like to create a file or folder to place various post (ie; Hand Frame resawing ) within my NCWW content. Is this possible or do I need to copy/paste to a file on my computer?




New User

I don't know if there is a way built into the forum to bookmark posts. I will let one of the mods answer that.

Assuming that there is not, I do have a couple of suggestions. There is always the bookmarking capability in your browser.

If you want something more "transportable" I would suggest either starting an Google account if you don't have one. This allows you to set up an iGoogle homepage, and one of my favorites is simply called Google Bookmarks. I can bookmark any Webpage and since I can log into iGoogle anywhere I always have those bookmarks available.

Then there are social bookmarking Websites like delicious.
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New User
Jim Campbell
I'm unaware of any default function in our forum software to do this.

We can explore some additional plugins.

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Recovering tool addict
Corporate Member
I think the site can already do this. Just subscribe to the thread (at the top of the thread, select Thread Tools - Subscribe). Most likely, you are automatically subscribed to a thread the first time you create a reply (this is the default setting). You then get notified via e-mail of any subsequent replies.

If you go to the User Settings , you'll see on the left hand side under "Subscribed Threads" a link "Edit Folders". You can use this to create folders for specific categories, e.g. "Info on finishes", "Where to buy stuff", "Workbench threads" etc. If you then select the "subscriptions" folder, you'll see all the posts to which you are subscribed. You can select one or more by clicking the checkboxes, and then at the bottom select "Move to folder". Pick a folder you just created.

Granted, it's not super slick having to do this in two steps, but for the occasional item, it should do the job.
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New User
Jim Campbell

I learn something new every day, and many of those days, its from Bas himself :)

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New User
Thank you Bas and to Charles and Jim too. It seems that lately there's been some ( exceptionally) great info shared and I want to be able to put my finger on it quickly.

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Mike Davis

Corporate Member
In Safari

under File:

go to Save As:

Select Web Archive

Then within the dialog choose a folder you have named as WW Archives or you can make a new folder within the dialog box. Be careful to save it in a place you can find easily. Usually in the Documents folder.

Then you can view that page off line or even if the page changed or got deleted from the web.
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New User
Due to the fact that some websites do not want their pages copied for fear of it getting in the wrong hands, if this is the case here then the mods can edit this and remove it if needed.

When using FireFox:

While the page you want is open....


Save Page As

Choose: Web Page : Html only
If it don't display all you need it to then choose Web Page, complete
If you have to choose web page complete then open it in a web page
editor (FrontPage works for me) and remove all the stuff you are not
interested in. I always save the finished to a flash drive and open it on
a different computer that has NOT been to the page I want to save
due to caching.

When all is the way you want then you may want to convert it to a PDF file. There are several ways that it can be is your friend for this.

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