HOWTO: Media Gallery and Media Albums


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I've attached a document that I created while logged in as a standard user. The screenshots are from a Windows PC using Chrome browser. The ability to create a new album now is completely different than the previous platform, so new processes are required. I recommend having multiple tabs, one with your media, one with your media albums (if you have any that were imported from the old system).

Please refer to the document that is attached. If there are any steps you do not understand, open a conversation to me and I will respond as soon as I can. I'm not retired and still have a full-time day job...If there are steps that can be clarified, I will revise the document and replace the current version.

Thanks for your understanding while we finalize these transition pains.


  • NCWW Media and Albums.pdf
    438.7 KB · Views: 384


Corporate Member
Neal I did it to a point and then it just does not work. Brought over a techy friend and he threw his hands up and then tried again and found a way to get a new photo in the old album then forgot how he did it. His comments were my thoughts: if it is this complicated not many folks will use albums.

At this point Neal I do want to thank you and Mike for your efforts but I am just going to post an occasional photo as work permits. Again thanks but this is a Rube Goldberg for me.



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Dan, don't give up on us yet. I'll print out the document in order to make better notes and present a second draft. I may get to work on this tonight, it may not be until Wednesday.

Mike Davis

Corporate Member
I asked my wife to go through the process and see if it is really that difficult. Will try to get her to do it tonight.

OK, my wife is not a computer wiz. She actually has a hard time with most of it. I opened my NCWW account and asked her to add a couple photos to my albums. She took a few minutes to read over each page and said it was quite easy and obvious to her except for one thing.

The “Add Media” button is all the way to the right right over the advertisements. She said she thought it was a pop up ad and wouldn’t click it. So she finally asked where do you click to add the photos, I said the ad media button, she said where, I pointed to it and she had no other problems after that.

Her suggestion is to move that button to center of the screen so it is more associated with the photos rather than the advertisements.

She also said our web site is much cleaner and well organized than most of the ones she uses. She does dog training, 4-H, and online shopping.
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Add media is also available from the dropdown menu along the top row of buttons.

Mike Davis

Corporate Member
OK, I just scrolled all the way to the bottom of that directory, the very last entry is “add media to your albums”. Long scroll...

Any chance that item could be moved to the top?


Board of Directors, Webmaster
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I think that would go a long way in satisfying the users. Good find Mike! I'm looking for it, not having any luck so far


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I used this doc to create and populate a new album in my gallery. It was pretty simple. A couple of the tricks I learned was to click the arrow beside the word Media and not "Media" itself. Also you select the files to upload before actually creating the album. The album is created as part of the upload process. This is the reverse of the way the old system worked.

All in all I found the process simple. I was able to upload an entire directory of about 50 photos in under an hour with a single command. You just have to be patient while they upload and then press "Save".

BTW, the album is called Slideshow and is pictures from previous Outreach events. A lot of you volunteers are probably in some of them.

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