Hi there, from High Point NC


Learning stuff
Corporate Member
Hello everyone! My name is Allan and I live in High Point, NC. A lot of you know High Point as the "Furniture Capital of the World" ™️, but oddly enough it does not seem like there are very many individual furniture makers here. I didn't move here though for the furniture market / industry, though since moving here I've found the industry to be very interesting and have a yearn to be a part of it in my own way. It doesn't seem like there are many individual furniture makers here though. I know of a couple, but since most of the focus here is on the large industry players, it doesn't seem like there is a group / club / organization or anything like that for the individual makers.

I've always been interested in wood working, but only in the last year or so have I started to take to the idea of making my own furniture. I have started small, making a large shelf over, and a 2-drawer cabinet for detergent and such that sits in-between, our washer / dryer for my wife. My last project was a desktop for myself, made with maple on "standing desk" legs that raise and lower so that I don't end up sitting all day for work. I like the "mid-century modern" style stuff, clean simple lines, etc., and I'm attracted to the idea of furniture as 'functional art', though I know it'll be a while before anything I make would be considered art by anyone other than myself. 😀

Lastly, I find myself attracted to local'ish (North American) woods and 100% natural finishes (such as Walrus Oil), but admit that the "hard wax oils" are interesting and the woods from South America and Africa are in many cases absolutely stunning.



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Welcome to the forum Allan. We have a little lunch group that meets at the Moose Cafe at the farmers market once a month. If you get a chance you should join us, it’s usually the third Tuesday of every month.


Learning stuff
Corporate Member
Welcome to the forum Allan. We have a little lunch group that meets at the Moose Cafe at the farmers market once a month. If you get a chance you should join us, it’s usually the third Tuesday of every month.
Thanks Richard! I'll try to make it in the near future. Won't be this month though as I already have plans for next Tuesday.


Senior User
Welcome Alan, Im just down the road in Lexington. Not alot of furniture being made in NC anymore unfortunately even though they still do furniture market in HP.

concept L

New User
Hello everyone! My name is Allan and I live in High Point, NC. A lot of you know High Point as the "Furniture Capital of the World" ™️, but oddly enough it does not seem like there are very many individual furniture makers here. I didn't move here though for the furniture market / industry, though since moving here I've found the industry to be very interesting and have a yearn to be a part of it in my own way. It doesn't seem like there are many individual furniture makers here though. I know of a couple, but since most of the focus here is on the large industry players, it doesn't seem like there is a group / club / organization or anything like that for the individual makers.

I've always been interested in wood working, but only in the last year or so have I started to take to the idea of making my own furniture. I have started small, making a large shelf over, and a 2-drawer cabinet for detergent and such that sits in-between, our washer / dryer for my wife. My last project was a desktop for myself, made with maple on "standing desk" legs that raise and lower so that I don't end up sitting all day for work. I like the "mid-century modern" style stuff, clean simple lines, etc., and I'm attracted to the idea of furniture as 'functional art', though I know it'll be a while before anything I make would be considered art by anyone other than myself. 😀

Lastly, I find myself attracted to local'ish (North American) woods and 100% natural finishes (such as Walrus Oil), but admit that the "hard wax oils" are interesting and the woods from South America and Africa are in many cases absolutely stunning.

Good Day Alan, I don't know how I stumbled onto your post. I got on to this site today to post some oak for sale, but now I'm beginning to believe reading your message was the reason the real purpose of getting on this site. 😀

You said "functional art"!

That's exactly how I describe my work on my card, social media, & signage. I can't remember anyone else saying it other than me. (Tho entirely possible I just didn"t take note before I started using it to describe my work.) I work in Durham, and have too experienced the irony of High Point from a small business perspective.

A retired Furniture salesman once gave me the Hard Sell trying to convince me to move to High Point because there was a dearth of individual designers/woodworkers. I said -what do I have to do here? it's all Big Industry-
A city needs a big economic base like universities, tech companies, and restaurants, especially restaurants, and cafes, all of which Durham has in spades( High Point had one Cafe last time I was there).

Concept L is my two person Furniture Workshop in downtown Durham. Here's my Instagram

Concept L

Finally, 1) It's Art if you can see the Art in it. And 2) was this message meant to announce your desire to make furniture with a small outfit? That wasn't

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