Clock kits


Corporate Member
Plan on making some wall clocks. Need the clock mechanism. All they all about the same? Or does one manufacturer/vendor sell a superior product?

bob vaughan

Bob Vaughan
Senior User
I've been thinking the same thing. I'm looking for good pendulum movements. I see cheap ones but that worries me. There are some brands I've used, but a single sample experience is useless information when looking for comparisons.


Corporate Member

They run the gamut of cheap to pretty outlandish clock movements. I've used them before and the service and quality is really good. Just don't mistype it with a c instead of the k. Totally different space.


Corporate Member
I’ve used this place for a few clock for 3-4 clocks I’ve made over the past several years.

I recently replaced the movement in the the A&P clock with one of their movements.


bob vaughan

Bob Vaughan
Senior User
Back in the 1970s I made several wall clocks for myself and family using the Jauch wind up movements. I'm getting lazier with old age so those clocks don't get wound as often as they should. I'm looking for battery powered replacements. When I made the clocks, the pendulum swing dictated dimensions. With modern battery movement sellers, I see lots of dimensions on pendulum length but very little on side to side swing in relation to the pendulum length.
In one instance I got the $6.00 movements and hung the pendulum off a staple just for looks. Not trusting the durability of the movements, I decided to get three movements and put two extras inside the box body. This tactic may be what I end up having to do but I'd rather not.

Below is the gift clock that I put in extra movements with directions. The box was pretty horribly built and the original Jauch movement failed after years of use so it had been replaced at least once with a mechanical movement.

clock - 1.jpg

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