Awarding DQ status

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Recovering tool addict
Corporate Member
Rich (richlife) doesn't have DQ status yet. He's close, but not quite there. This is somewhat of a funny situation, since he's hosting on the upcoming shop crawl but he can't sign up as a crawler.

The DQ process is to ensure that only active members that contribute to NCWW receive the discount at Klingspor etc. I would argue that being a crawl host qualifies someone. He also pony expressed some cherry lumber recently for Gonzalo and me.

I realize this could open a can of worms, but I figured I'd see what the BoD thoughts are on this. I've offered to make Rich my guest, which solves the problem, but this kind of situation may occur in the future.


Corporate Member
Why is it set so that only DQ'ed members can attend the crawls? I can understand the issue with hosting (maybe?). Am I missing something?

As far as making Rich DQ'ed, why not!


Staff member
Corporate Member
We had a similar situation with our last crawl. IIRC, dlrion was not DQ either but was allowed to host. I think the purpose of being DQ to be a crawler was to assure no one was being 'cased out' buy an unscrupulous individual looking to find tools & such at a 5 finger discount. DQD status also meant we had a feel on where everybody lived, etc.


New User
Jim Campbell
For crawls, its done solely to try to protect the Shop Hosts. We try to avoid someone joining for the nefarious purpose of casing shops and homes.

You can read our stated Crawl Attendee policy:

We purposefully added the section that non-DQ members can attend as Guests of DQ members. Which is just what Bas has done.

This was debated and discussed at length in the Shop Crawl Committee. We felt this was the best solution.

Hope that helps clear up the history and the "logic" behind it.


Why is it set so that only DQ'ed members can attend the crawls? I can understand the issue with hosting (maybe?). Am I missing something?

As far as making Rich DQ'ed, why not!


I'd continue allowing attendance or hosting as a guest of a DQ member; lets not mess with our DQ policy.


Staff member
Corporate Member
.............thus the birth of the name tags! :gar-Bi

Ever been to a wedding reception & see someone that doesn't belong to the bride or groom's family/friends? :gar-La;

Douglas Robinson

Doug Robinson
Corporate Member
There is really no problem letting someone who is near to DQ status be someone else's guest. Let us keep things the way they are. I started this on purpose for the exact reasons stated: protection for the hosts.


Ray Martin

New User
.............thus the birth of the name tags! :gar-Bi

Ever been to a wedding reception & see someone that doesn't belong to the bride or groom's family/friends? :gar-La;

I think the guys who showed up were named Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn:gar-Bi


I'd continue allowing attendance or hosting as a guest of a DQ member; lets not mess with our DQ policy.

There is really no problem letting someone who is near to DQ status be someone else's guest. Let us keep things the way they are. I started this on purpose for the exact reasons stated: protection for the hosts.


I totally agree with keeping things staus quo although I am so far off the beaten path if I am ever a host I doubt if anyone with less than honorable intentions would travel this far out in the boondocks. :rotflm:


Staff member
Corporate Member
DQ status should be used as guideline and not a hard fast rule. Maybe the rule should read something like, "Shop crawls are open to all DQ members, their guests, and others as approved by the crawl committee."


New User
Jim Campbell
In our announcement template we have this:

Qualifications to Attend A Shop Crawl
Please read this page for a description of the requirements to be a Crawler.

Note, that we have made allowances for those who don't meet the requirements.

And in our Attendee Requirements doc:
Any North Carolina Woodworker Users who meet the above requirements may register Guests that they are responsible for. Guests can be North Carolina Woodworker Users who are not DQ Qualified. Other guests may include friends, family or potential fiances. We do reserve the right to screen any guests.

That said, we had 3 folks who didn't think they could go. Alas, we can't force people to read the rules.

I'll take these comments to the Crawl Committee when we review the master announcement template.


Douglas Robinson

Doug Robinson
Corporate Member
DQ status should be used as guideline and not a hard fast rule. Maybe the rule should read something like, "Shop crawls are open to all DQ members, their guests, and others as approved by the crawl committee."

If you are not a DQ member and cannot get someone to let you be their guest, what other category of person would we allow on the crawl? The policy is to protect our shop hosts and the crawlers. I see no need to change anything.

From Jim's post it seems people are not reading the policies (Big Surprise there.) In this instance I am willing to let people be the victim of their own either laziness or ignornance.
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