Al Spicer

Mike Davis

Corporate Member
Yes, the one and only.

Al’s creativity and Spirit driven internal motivation aided his 32- year career in the newspaper business first as a part-time photographer at the Petersburg (VA) Progress Index and onto the Fort Myers (FL) News-Press, where he was nominated for a Pulitzer, and finally as Graphics Editor, and Imaging Coordinator at the Greensboro (NC) News & Record from which he retired.

Upon retirement in 2007, Al enrolled at Rockingham Community College to hone his furniture design and building skills. He loved furniture built by the old masters in England and in the fledgling United States and considered them his mentors.


New User
Bruce Swanson
I know Al had a battle these past few years, but Al was a strong personality who relished challenges; just look at the work he posted in the gallery here. He sure will be missed, and he left a lot of his talent and work behind that memorialized a great American craftsman. I pray that as your life was a testimony to your faith in God Al, your testimony will live on to inspire many others. Fair winds and smooth sailing my friend, you are missed here.

Stuart Kent

Senior User
Al was a good friend and a gift to the woodworking world. I join many in missing a man that made the world a better place.


Board of Directors, Development Director
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Corporate Member
I met Al at one of the mid-winter blah's picnic (I was already a fan of his work) of course I was stumbling with my words (being star struck - meeting someone I never thought I would) and he was SO personable and humble, I didn't know I could be more impressed, but I was! What a great man who I along with many others will miss!


Board of Directors, President
Staff member
Corporate Member
I never had the honor of meeting Al, I have been a fan of of his work for a long time. He will be missed.


Staff member
Corporate Member
I met Al briefly at the Mid-Winter Picnic and like Hank, I admired his work and contributions greatly. He will definitely be missed by many.


Corporate Member
I am saddened to hear of his passing and lift up all affected by his life and death in prayer. Thank you for sharing this.

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