a woodcarver's appreciation

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New User
I wanted to thank everyone for the compliments for my work. It seemed easier to do it here then to post on all three of the other posts.

I have spent the vast majority of my career bringing to life other people's ideas. Oh I got to do the design work and carved them the way I thought was best but there were always constraints with what they wanted, how it was supposed to look and how much work I could do because of budgets. It is kind of hard to fly with your wings clipped or weight tied to your feet.

Several years ago (the recession's beginnings) I found myself without work and in need of a new direction. I sat around wondering what to carve, sounds simple enough. Suddenly I realized that I could carve most anything I wanted given the time but was truly at a loss as to what I actually wanted to do, total loss there. I realized that there were no grandiose ideas, no dreams of fame or riches...I just wanted to be able to produce work fairly quickly, be free to carve what I wanted and most importantly have fun at it. It also began to dawn on me that I was getting older (mornings told me!) and there were things I wanted to do that there was never the opportunity to do. The idea of giving up the guaranteed money from commission work was a scary thought as well.

So my daughter is a Easter baby and did not have one of my carvings and there was the first rabbit. Man that was fun and fairly fast. Decided to try another which lead to two more and I realized that I was having fun. Then it hit me that I needed to carve what I was good at and what made me happy. I am pretty good at carving animals but I love carving rabbits (that is another story and philosophical theory). I figured that those two things would shine through and people would appreciate the efforts. Next thing you know I have 12 rabbit carvings in my shop so I took them to a gallery. To my amazement they started to sell and sell fast. SO I am off in a new direction only this time I can't say "well I know it could have been better but that is what the client wanted." This time it is all on me.

It is true that I have been carving for a long time. That does not mean that I am overly confident in my abilities. There is always someone better, always. Not every carving turns out as planned and not every carving turns out well (although hopefully you won't see those...ever!). These are my ideas, my designs, my carving and my finishes. So if a carving falls short it means I fell short. I post to see what people think, to see which carvings were a success and which were not. So I appreciate each and every comment that I receive. It motivates me, keeps my spirits up and tells me what I am doing right. To be even more honest, there have been times the money was not there and kind comments and the appreciation for my work was the only thing that kept me going

So thank you for your kind comments and for taking the time to post them.

Mark Strom


Thanks for sharing this Mark. Great story. In my eyes, your work is exceptional!!

We may have to talk about one of your rabbits coming to live with me. :wink_smil

Tom Swortzel


Corporate Member

I know I join others in their admiration of your abilities to bring those charming critters to life from blocks of wood -- it is good to hear that they motivate you to keep improving as well. Many of us who have enjoyed your instruction have begun to realize how challenging it is to bring beautiful images out of a block of wood with a few tools, but we also understand the joy it brings in trying. Thanks in part to your inspiration, one colleague here in the mountains (Brian Greenwood, who had never carved anything before our class with you) has gone on to win a number of blue ribbons at several carving competitions over the past year. Thanks for sharing your talents with us all!

Rob Payne, President
Western NC Woodworkers Association

Bill Clemmons

Corporate Member
Very nice post, Mark. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings. I always find it interesting how something that seems like a disaster when it happens (e.g. loss of a job) can turn out to be a blessing in the end. Looks like it certainly has for you.

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