$35 for junk


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Need to make a special sled: Quarter sheet 3/4 MDF. $35 and it is not even very flat! Their premium 3/4 ply they sell in leu of BP? Handy if you were making a canoe. It should work for a prototype at least.

Sled base may be made from 1/2 inch phenolic just so it is stable.


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The phenolic will also be good to tap threads into, better than mdf or bp.


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This situation is not likely to improve while ALL markets adjust to anticipated tariffs. Lumber suppliers won't be able to keep up with the demand that may also have to adjust for losses of manpower. Lots of places for things to fall through the cracks, including inventory of good quality plywood.


Corporate Member
To add an additional insult, it is not even square. No two edges within 1/8 inch, no 90 degree corner. Without a big sliding table saw, kind of a hard thing to rectify. Strait edge, lots of measurements and a circ' saw. I got one 90 degree across a 2 x 2 sheet. Then I can square it up on the TS.

Of course, in laying out my sled design, I realized I don't need it to be square. All the critical dimensions will be referenced after the guides are on and a partial slot is run through it. The slot is what matters. What I need is about an 18 inch triangle that is really really dead on. I wonder if a large vinyl floor tile is good enough? I did beat on my framing square to get it closer. Close enough for carpentry, but not jig layout. More quality? Nice set of aluminum guides with top accessible "split washer" snug adjustment. Great? The screws holding the washers in were too long and hit the bottom of the TS slots. Easy fix, but still just more crap.

I do worry about supply as most US lumber is sent to the Far East and made into plywood and other finished supplies, then shipped back. Logistics economics, not talking politics here, makes some strange product routes. We pump oil in the Gulf, but ship it across the Atlantic, then buy oil from across the Pacific. Drought in Panama is making things worse as the canal is limiting traffic. So we are a net oil exporter, but still import half our oil. Bulk carriers are amazingly cheap transport. I think the old line has new meaning " Hold on tight it is going to be a bumpy ride."


Senior User
It is a problem across the board, even from commercial suppliers. Where are you getting the material? The MDF I get from my supplier is pretty flat.

Look At the way the product is stored. I’m continually amazed at whole stacks of material is arced at Home Depot. Smaller sheets are stored vertically in bins - a sure fire way for MDF to bow!

The only product I can be confident is absolutely flat is melamine. It’s good material for sleds. About as heavy as MDF. 1/2 or 5/8” would be more manageable.


Corporate Member
Local Home Despot does store the cut sheets flat and they are all warped. Driving a GTI, one does not have a lot of choices in suppliers and none are very close to me.

I have used melamine boards, but of course if you want to glue something to it, quite a pain. ( sacrificial wood block where the rails come together)

Anyway, I was able to make a prototype out of the junk and some leftover rails from when I was making a router table. Dead on. My difference from the many out there is my using a block with a screw in it to dial in the angle on the runners. The corner needs to be both 90 degrees total and 45 + 45 or frame corners will miss-match. A lot of you-tubers show a single pretty corner, not a fully assembled picture frame! I just did a frame and 4 darn near perfect joints. Happy day. It is less fiddly than using the Kaypex.

If using a pretty soft and crushable wood and I want a tiniest of over angle, then a piece of Scotch tape on the runner close to the end will give me that .01 degree for crush and outside edge perfection.

I use my table clamp on extensions for stability. Going to make some more elegant fence stops and when I reproduce it in phenolic, the hardware will be a bit more elegant. Hey, it was made with what I had on hand! I want at least two flip stops per side. Maybe a second hold down for long runners. Now, where on earth to store the thing!


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