Sorry for the picture quality. This breadboard end was installed in my non-climatically controlled shop when the humidity was up around 100%. The end of the breadboard and the edge of the table were flush (I know I should have left it a little proud, but figured with max humidity I was okay).
After a couple weeks inside the house while I made the base, the 40" wide table contracted this much on both sides of each end. (about 3/64ths" as pictured). I would guess the humidity in the house is about 50%. Just a pic to convince any doubters concerning wood movement.
After a couple weeks inside the house while I made the base, the 40" wide table contracted this much on both sides of each end. (about 3/64ths" as pictured). I would guess the humidity in the house is about 50%. Just a pic to convince any doubters concerning wood movement.