Wood Advise European Beech

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Administrator , Forum Moderator
Just wondering if anyone has used European Beech before? What did you like or dislike about it? I am considering using that on a set of end tables and was wondering if it was a good choice. I see on some suppliers sites they say it has become a replacement wood for a lot of hardwoods as it finishes great and is easy on the tools, while being a good strong hardwood. I picked up a couple of samples at Internet Lumber company and kinda like the look of it. I will try some finishes on the samples I got before making a purchase. TIA for and input and advise.


Alan in Little Washington

Alan Schaffter
Corporate Member
I don't know about furniture, but it is the wood of choice for the tops of almost all European WW benches. It is about the same hardness and has the same resistance to compression as hard maple. Google it for other properties like machining, staining, etc.


New User
European Beech - Fagus sylvatica is often steamed to even out the color and enhance it's working properties. As mentioned above it is similar in hardness to Hard Maple. It has a closed grain that takes finishes well. It machines well, but can be a bit ornery with handtools when well seasoned. It is a readily available wood as 57% of European hardwood forests are E. Beech.
I have never met a wood I didn't like, except some Pine.
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