What is it with you people?!?!?

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Matt Schnurbusch

New User
A few days ago Bas posted about the Tenoning Jig being on sale at Lowes. I asked for and received a copy of the receipt from Gotcha6 (Thanks Dennis). Knowing what the end result would be:nah::nah:, I still went over to the Lowes near me at 70/401 in Raleigh. The operations manager told me that they do not do price matching on clearance items. "Bummer" I thought, "Guess I'll have to wait until I find another on sale."

Later that night I came on to see what else was going on, and saw that I had a private message. Bruce (junquecol) some how knew that I was not able to get the deal. Don't know how he knew because I had not posted about it, but nevertheless he knew (I think he has ESPN:widea:). So anyway, Bruce sent me a message out of the blue asking if I was interested in buying the jig still cuz he bought extras at the sale price. I couldn't type fast enough to get my reply to him. Met him the next day, and now I too am the proud owner of the sale priced jig. :eusa_danc:eusa_danc:eusa_danc THANKS BRUCE!!!

What is it with you people??? :icon_scra:dontknow::eusa_thinI have never been associated with a group of seemingly disconnected people that actually give a crap about one another. I have "friends" that I wouldn't count on for the response that I've seen take place here!! Sad? Maybe. True? Definitely!! Granted I'm a newbie here, so I don't have any real expectation that the whole community would gather behind me if the poop hit the fan, but I would be willing to bet that if I made a post seeking assistance:help::help:, I would get help from quite a few folks.

The title of the post is rhetorical. If none of the above made any sense at all, let me try to be a little more plain.

I applaud all of you!!:eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap :eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap
I have no idea how you managed to put this place together, but I am certainly glad that you did. The examples I gave above are small, and may seem insignificant. If you want a better example see:


I went out to help Scott purely out of selfish reasons. I looked at it merely as a way to meet a couple of you. From the original posts I read, I was only expecting one other person to be there (plus Scott). Frankly, I was surprised at the lack of responses. Of course, when I got there, I found a whole bunch of folks working away and my respect for the community was restored.

Man, that was a long way to go to get here:
I thank all of you for creating a place filled with genuine people, that really do care about the others in their community. TAKE A BOW!!!:notworthy::notworthy::notworthy: And give yourselves a pat on the back!!

Now, forgive the admittedly sappy post :embaresse:embaresse , and get back to making dust!!

Matt Schnurbusch

New User
Almost forgot the picture to make the mini gloat official.


Not assembled yet, but hopefully this weekend it will be. Thanks again Bruce!


New User
This really is one heck of a great bunch of folks. One only has to see all the pony express posts and other "I need help" posts that are answered every day. It is amazing. This place has some serious mojo! :icon_thum


Corporate Member
Well said Matt! JimmyC and I were describing this community to a fellow we met at Bill Anderson's dovetail workshop. Most people would not believe such a great group of folks came together over some online sawdust. It is a special place. :icon_sunn

Mike Davis

Corporate Member
Any more of those available?

I missed out on the deal and have been looking for a good used one for quite a while.

Oh, and this really is a great group of folks. :icon_thum


Corporate Member

Sorry, but it was my fault the Garner Lowe's was out. I got the last one Monday at lunchtime.

The jig was priced at $69, but the cashier was happy to price match it once he looked up the price at the Apex store. Unsure why you were told otherwise.



New User
Now this is the kind of thread I like to see when I come home after a crappy day at work.
Good vibes, good vibes :icon_thum:icon_thum:icon_thum:icon_thum



New User
:eusa_clap:eusa_clapNicely said Matt - I have been the reciepient of some of the good will that goes on here and I hope to return the favor soon:icon_thum:icon_thum



The reason is that we love woodworking and enjoy the positive aspects of helping others learn and benefit as members here. Good sources of the friendships have included the Spring Picnic (a must to attend), the Pony Express, the Pass it Forward of free giveaways from member to member, spontaneous lunch get-togethers, shop crawls, lumber runs, member visits with one another, passing around the Good Will Lathe, continuous positive posting .... I could go on and on. Truth is we owe it all to the vision and steadfast support of our founder Steve Coles (aka "Papa Smurf") and the devoted members who strive to maintain NCWW.net as "The Friendliest Woodworking Site in the Universe", and that includes you! Thanks for this post!


Staff member
Corporate Member
Matt, like it or not you are one of us. :icon_thum I saw you busting your tail at Scott Smith's on Saturday. Whatever motived you you show up the Mojo Of NCWW kept you going. This Mojo was not planned it just happened and I am very glad it did.

BTW Bruce had a jig for me too :eusa_danc


Staff member
Corporate Member
Almost forgot..... Yes if you sent out an SOS I would do my best to come help you out. I suspect you would do the same.


Administrator , Forum Moderator
OK, now that I am home and able to really reply:

This Group Rocks!!!!!

Now that is the truth, I don't care who you are!!
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New User
From another relative newcomer, I heartily agree - this group is the friendliest group of people I have met in a long time!

BTW, I just got back from the Blue BORG on 15/501 in Chapel Hill today - they were out of jigs last week :no:, but there was one on the shelf today - ITS GONE NOW! :eusa_danc I had to talk them into calling the Apex store to confirm the price, but I got it at $40 too!


Tar Heel

New User
Matt, Bruce did the exact same thing for me before Christmas. He made a post that Lowe's was clearing out the Kreg K-3 pocket screw jig for $79 which originally cost $140. I went to a couple of Lowe's but couldn't find one. I sent Bruce a PM asking for the sku # so I could have the local Lowe's check by computer to see what store/stores might still have one. Bruce told me that he had one that had not been opened that I was welcome to buy at the discounted price. Like you, I jumped on it. And also like you, I was amazed at Bruce's generosity. Thank you Bruce. I've been on this forum for a few years but had never met him. He is representative of the folks on this forum


New User

You said exactly what I was thinking. Steve's attitude and selflessness is contagious.

Bruce is incredible. He is my idol. If I ever grow up, I want to be like him. He is as knowledgable and friendly as he is helpful. He can spot a deal three counties away.

I also want to thank Douglas Robinson. He is another incredibly friendly, knowledgable, helpful ncwoodworker. He posted an incredible deal on a vacuum pump in Durham a little over a year ago. Not only did I get the vacuum pump, but when I picked it up, the company ordered four examination tables from me too! So I got a vacuum pump and a job!

I have bought quite a bit of used tools on this site (and sold some) and always had a great experience. This site rocks!

And congratulations on your tenoning jig!



New User
Matt , welcome to the magic that is NCWW :icon_thum Being in customer service for most of my life , I had pretty much conditioned myself to the fact that the world in general was getting more stupid and rude almost daily :wsad:
As a result I became a " caver " preferring the company of my wife and dogs over participation in the real world
I tentatively joined this site ( at the urging of ScottM ) and the rest , as they say, is history :eusa_danc
i have met wonderful, unselfish people, honest-to-goodness craftsmen, folks from all walks of life and and even Danish transplants :eek:
I have had more social life in the last year than in the previous 10 combined and more than one person actually has my phone number :swoon: I sometimes even answer when they call :mrgreen:....unheard of in my previous life :nah:
NCWW has absolutely changed my life for the better and I see nothing but good things in the future

I can almost hold hope for the world in general :gar-La;
Steve has done an incredible job turning a dream into reality and I am one grateful ol' redneck for his and all the other's efforts :banana:

In short .....this site ROX !!! :notworthy: :banana:
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