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New User
vbulletin 3.8.2 installed and running. haven't yet gone through the templates or the plugins. I'm just going to bring it back up now. Not sure how much more I will do today.

Feel free to keep a list of things that don't seem right, but post it yet or I'll spend more time responding than updating. I'll let you know when I'm ready for bug reports, suggestions and general criticisms.


Recovering tool addict
Corporate Member
So far, things are looking great! Nothing obvious that's broken, but I'll keep it on a private list if I find something.


New User
OK, all mandatory templates reverts have been done and our customizations are back in. One exception is that I had to put Smiles selection box back on right side. Will fix that when I do all of the smilie hacks in general.


New User
First real glitch. We had a hack called Chief first Post. This hack made the first post of a thread repeat on each page of longer threads. It was turned on by forum.

Anyway, the version for 3.8 was the one to install since it cleaned up a bunch of problems.

What I didn't realize was this was NOT an update, but a whole new hack. So all the customizations where wipe out. Both as to which forums I had set and the display template of the first post.

It took a while to restore the customization of the templates , but it is done.

However, the forums that need it have not yet been enabled. I did it for staff announcements, for testing, but there are others. Can someone take this one. Just go to the forum settings and the last 2 settings on the page one to enable it and and the other to choose the display type. That should be "postbit".

Which forums? I don't remember.:embaresse :embaresse From my POV it should be all of them, but there was some complaints last time, so we only did some.

we could do all of them, and see which ones get compalaints. Probably none this most people got used to it anyway.


New User
Jim Campbell
I'll take the chief post issue.

Also happy to take the smiley on the right if you want me to.



New User
Pretty smooth so far. Thank you Steve.
Jim, yes pease set up the Chief post option in all the forums where you thinkit makes sense or a of them.

Smilie box, I knew which template, just needed to be sure what our other Smilie enhncements were doing. I made the change now and it works. Also I widened the editor message box too.


New User
Jim Campbell
Chief Post is now set for all forums.

I'll keep an eye on nay sayers.

Looks like smiles fixed themselves :icon_cheers, am I good or what?



New User
Here's more work:gar-La;

We had a hack that allowed the staff to search for unanswered threads. The idea being that our policy was not thread went unanswered for more than 24 hours. An d if that happened, a forum moderator would respond and if necessary, get someone who work in area to respond more authoritatively.

The idea was no person, especially newbies felt ignored. Well clearly from the number of unaswered threads, it appears that no one was using the tool:no:
Anyway the version we had was about 4 versions behind and also there are now 2 forms. I have installed both at the latest version. One form searches all forums and is in the search menu. The other form searches only the the forum you are currently viewing and is in the Search this Forum menu which is next to the Forum Tools menu.

I've tested this but both forms need to be set up. The ability to see these new entries is controlled by 2 new entries that are in the Usergroup parameters. Right only the webmaster is turned on for my testing. Someone please set up the resst of the usergroups. I don't see any reson while any user in goodstanding couldn't use them, it would probably help get threads responded to.

Also in the setup for the search All forums options, there is a field to indicate which forums will be searched. There are some that probably should be not searched. For instance, those forums like the ones associated with the classifieds, which never get a response.


New User
Jim Campbell
I'll pick this up.

Does the staff have any thoughts on giving everyone access to this search?


TASK 1: Assign groups with this search feature
a. assign to all staff groups
b. assign to all user groups
I've tested this but both forms need to be set up. The ability to see these new entries is controlled by 2 new entries that are in the Usergroup parameters. Right only the webmaster is turned on for my testing. Someone please set up the resst of the usergroups. I don't see any reson while any user in goodstanding couldn't use them, it would probably help get threads responded to.

TASK 2: Select forums for Search All feature
Also in the setup for the search All forums options, there is a field to indicate which forums will be searched. There are some that probably should be not searched. For instance, those forums like the ones associated with the classifieds, which never get a response.


I see no problem with allowing users have access to unanswered threads as long as it does not allow access to our restricted forums for staff and BoD.


New User
Tis one could be a big deal or not. We had a hack that resized the size of images bigger that x by y. Then you clicked on them to see the full size image. This was done so that big pictures would not screw up alignmnets. Well, that hack as it was has been discontinued. Its replacement does the same thing and more. I have set up the defualts to work just like before, except the image is resized to 320 x 240. Click on it and the image displays full size.

This newest version has has serveral more options. First, the user can set up the size parameters so that they get the action they desire, from a sizing and windoow point of view, but also they can select to use one of several diifferent "litebox" techniques. Like what someone was asking for the other day but was objected to by Mike Davis and others. With this hack everyone can do it their own way.

We need someone to play with all the options and then write up announcement about how to make the settings and what each does. The default is still the hold way so no real problems.

Each user's setting are in usercp->Edit Option->resizer


New User
FYI, if you think I am spending all day doing these changes I'm not. I'm spending only a few hours a day. And most of that research and organization and writing these updates.


New User
Jim Campbell
I'm still planning to fix the search task thing.

My dog is gong in for knee surgery tomorrow, so I'll be a bit spotty for a few days.



New User
Jim Campbell
Completed User Groups Search for Unanswered threads.

For the forums, the settings are for the Forums NOT to search. Still have more forums to add to the list.


TASK 1: Assign groups with this search feature
a. assign to all staff groups
b. assign to all user groups

The following user groups have this permission now:
  • Registered Users
  • Super Moderators
  • Administrators
  • Moderators
  • Discount Qualified
  • Webmasters
  • Site Programmers
  • Member
  • B.O.D.
  • User

TASK 2: Select forums for Search All feature[/QUOTE]
  • 5 Buy and Sell
  • 22 Saff Announcemens
  • 11 Old Old Off Topic Forums
  • 87 Old Off Topic
  • 105 Off Topic
  • 16 Buy and Sell Tools, ec
  • 17 Sell Wood
  • 21 Wha's Going ON?
  • 23 User Announcemens
  • 35 Reviews
  • 72 Privae Forums
  • 54 Markeing and Pricing Projecs
Last edited:


New User
Completed User Groups Search for Unanswered threads.

For the forums, the settings are for the Forums NOT to search. Still have more forums to add to the list.


TASK 1: Assign groups with this search feature
a. assign to all staff groups
b. assign to all user groups

The following user groups have this permission now:
  • Registered Users
  • Super Moderators
  • Administrators
  • Moderators
  • Discount Qualified
  • Webmasters
  • Site Programmers
  • Member
  • B.O.D.
  • User

TASK 2: Select forums for Search All feature
  • 5 Buy and Sell
  • 22 Saff Announcemens
  • 11 Old Old Off Topic Forums
  • 87 Old Off Topic
  • 105 Off Topic
  • 16 Buy and Sell Tools, ec
  • 17 Sell Wood
  • 21 Wha's Going ON?
  • 23 User Announcemens
  • 35 Reviews
  • 72 Privae Forums
  • 54 Markeing and Pricing Projecs

Jim, I see the Classified Ads are not on the list above, but when I do a search it looks like the Classified Ads are about 85% of the listing.. Classified Ads do not have reply's, can we take them out of the search? and if we can would the staff want them taken out?
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