State of the Shop - President's Message

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Douglas Robinson

Doug Robinson
Corporate Member
Hello again. Spring is here and our busy season is upon us. As you are mostly likely aware, North Carolina Woodworker, Inc. recently received 501(c)(3), non-profit status from the Internal Revenue Service. This comes after much hard work by the present and previous Boards of Directors. One consequence to being a non-profit is that to the extent any member’s employer provides matching funds, we qualify! Some companies do a dollar for dollar match and some even do multiples. If you do not know your employer’s policy, please ask. We will work with you to provide you with any information and/or documents they require.

This weekend is the Charlotte Woodworking Show. We will have a booth there for the first time. Thanks to a diligent member who laid the groundwork for this. A number of members will be putting on demonstrations during the show and we have a prime location, so come on down (or up or over).

The annual NCWW meeting and picnic is coming up too. It will be 5/14 in Ritter Park in Cary. There will be free food, a raffle and door prizes. Also the results of the election will be announced.

Speaking of elections, with last year’s changes to the by-laws, only three seats are up for election this year. The terms of Scott Miller (ScottM), Joe Scharle and I are coming to an end. None of us are planning to run again. Therefore NCWW needs people invested in its future to run for the Board of Directors. Rob (McRabbet), Tracy (TracyP), Trent and Andy (CaptnA) will remain on the Board to serve the 2nd year of their present terms. In this way continuity will be preserved. I sincerely ask you to consider running. The good news is that a lot of issues have been addressed in the past couple of years so that it should be somewhat easier going forward.

With Spring comes more shop crawls. Look for posts in this regard. In addition, we are pursuing some opportunities to apply our collective woodworking skills to assist in our communities, helping other less fortunate than ourselves. Posts on this will be forthcoming in the next couple of weeks.

On a personal note, as I come near the end of three years on the Board of Directors and two years as President, I would like to thank you the members for your continued interest in NCWW, in woodworking and to each other. I especially would like to thank the members of the present and the preceding Boards of Directors, the moderators and the administrators for the hard work, dedication, and friendship. It has been an honor to serve here. I am sure that the next President the Board of Directors chooses will receive the same support. While this is a farewell from the Board, I am NOT leaving the organization! I will still be here as an active participant.



Corporate Member
Douglas, Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to NCWW. It is greatly appreciated by all, I am sure. Now it is time to sit back and enjoy NCWW from a different view:icon_thum


Doug, thanks for all of your hard work, especially in getting the 501(c)(3) status. You've done a great job and I appreciate you.


New User
We have been so fortunate to have been led by you. No matter how severe the storm or calm the waters you remained stedfast and focused on maintaining the integrity of our organization.

Thank you Doug and please, for goodness sake, apply your amazing talent to finally getting your shop reorganized:gar-La;


Splint Eastwood

New User
Doug, thanks for all of your hard work, especially in getting the 501(c)(3) status. You've done a great job and I appreciate you.

We have been so fortunate to have been led by you. No matter how severe the storm or calm the waters you remained stedfast and focused on maintaining the integrity of our organization.

Thank you Doug and please, for goodness sake, apply your amazing talent to finally getting your shop reorganized:gar-La;


Two well spoken/written responses, I third the motion.



We have been so fortunate to have been led by you. No matter how severe the storm or calm the waters you remained stedfast and focused on maintaining the integrity of our organization.

Thank you Doug and please, for goodness sake, apply your amazing talent to finally getting your shop reorganized:gar-La;


Yup, what Barbara said. :gar-Bi

Jim M.

Corporate Member
Thanks for your hard work, dedication and leadership.

Also, I was wondering... where are you going to build your presidential library? And are you going to miss flying around the world in Woodforce One. Jim:icon_thum


Administrator , Forum Moderator
An excellent Leader that we should all be proud to be acquainted with!!!! Thank you Douglas Robinson:icon_cheers:eusa_danc:icon_thum:thumbs_up


Corporate Member
First off,
Jim, Woodforce one... that was great! Does he get secret termite protection for life??

Doug, you have filled some pretty big shoes and done an admirable job. It can't be easy being at the helm of this entity. Thank you for all your hard work and the uncountable hours you have put in.
Hopefully you can enjoy some woodworking and take a well deserved break.


New User
Doug, you can't go anywhere. If you look at the nominations post I just nominated you for a 3rd and 4th term as our president. You have done such a good job so far that you deserve to remain our Commander in Chief :gar-Bi

Douglas Robinson

Doug Robinson
Corporate Member

I decline. Besides which, the BoD decides who will hold each position each year after the elections. So you can't nominate me for president. :tongue2: :wink_smil



Corporate Member
Thank you for all your contributions to this great organization and congratulations on all your achievements.
You have done a great job as president. You are leaving some large shoes to be filled.

Trent Mason

New User
Trent Mason
I've only been on the BoD for a year, but I can tell you all, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that Doug is a very hard-working guy and without him this site would not be where it is today. Thanks Doug!!! :eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap :eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap
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