speaking of fire....

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Corporate Member

Your home should be a safe haven. But do you regularly check for home fire hazards? If not, there is the potential for danger. Fire departments responded to nearly 400,000 home fires in 2006. That’s why the theme of Fire Prevention Week 2008 is “It’s Fire Prevention Week: Prevent Home Fires!”
From October 5-11, 2008, fire safety advocates will spread the word to their communities that, with a little extra caution, preventing the leading causes of home fires – cooking, heating, electrical and smoking-materials – is within their power.

The week of October 9th is designated Fire Prevention Week.
Its amazing and so sad that MOST home fires could have been prevented, yet fire departments respond to the number that we do.

Why do we spend so much time talking about preventing fires, checking smoke detectors, and replacing batteries in smoke detectors?
Because your life, the lives of those you love, and your property are worth it to us. What is it worth to you? A few minutes of your time perhaps??

I wonder, out of the 1819 members as I write this, how many of us have been affected by a home fire? I think the numbers would surprise us all.

Mike Davis

Corporate Member
I put out a small fire at our home in Rome GA 15 years ago.

I have put out three car fires for other people. Always keep at least a 5 pounder in your car.


Staff member
Corporate Member
Not mine but a co-worker lost 1/2 his house last month due to a fire that started on his lawn tractor.
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