Should we poll the membership?

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Douglas Robinson

Doug Robinson
Corporate Member
Regarding annual dues? I know we have discussed this and the concensus is to not charge, but should we try to get a feel of what the membership would prefer? We could do it in the member's only forum. This is just a question at this point.


I'm opposed to it, especially at a time when we are working hard to raise funds through donations and the raffle. Once we know the outcome of them and can look at our financials for the coming year, then let's discuss it. Even then, we are already thinking about the raffle for next spring and I honestly believe we won't ever need to institute dues for membership.

Another key point -- IMHO, member dues would kill the spirit and vitality of the Site.

Douglas Robinson

Doug Robinson
Corporate Member

I do not disagree with anything you stated. In order to make sure that we are not making some incorrect assumptions I figure it is worth a discussion. Your last statement is the crux of my position against it.

I would like to see (Travis?) if the people that have posted in favor of annual dues have contributed. Have they put their money where their fingers are? If not, are they only willing to contribute financially if everyone does? Someone propose tiered services for members based on $ contribution. That would truly be the death knell for us if it was implemented.



Tar Heel

New User
I agree with Rob that it would be best to not do it now. We really need to know the first year results of this site being administered by an independent board. My gut feeling is that dues would produce negative results, but that is, as said, just a feeling at this point. It is something we could discuss after the spring raffle. I think we do need to take another look at the frequency of the donation drive.

I agree with Doug that tiered services is not something we should consider.


Staff member
Corporate Member
Let's get through our first year and see where we are. If our income roughly covers expenses, I see no reason to bring up the topic.

Travis Porter

Corporate Member
Unfortunately, I have to agree with Rob. It pains me to do it, but I feel he is right. Just kidding on the pains me part. ;-)

Seriously, I think it would hurt the spirit of the site as well.

I still have to finish a formal budget, but I really don't think we are going to be in trouble or have problems. When I took the funding over from Steve we had around $13K in the bank. Right now, including Paypal (I have not transferred any money out of Paypal since I opened the account), we have a little over $13K. We still have to pay for the raffle prizes, but if the raffle brings in say $2500 total, we will be ahead of the game.

If donations aren't where we need them or the raffle doesn't bring in what we need, we can always cut back on other expenses or functions. We spent around $600 or so on the calendar, and if we have to we could cut it out. I am not saying we do, just throwing out that we do have alternatives.

Lastly, I could always take a portion of our balance, say $5K and buy a CD. I would not be amenable to "playing the stock market" or anything, but buying a CD with a guaranteed interest rate and fixed term to help generate some income might be something to consider.


New User
Scott Smith
I too am against dues. For one thing, it would undoubtedly result in a lower registered member number, which in turn would negatively impact our advertising stats.

I don't know about polling the members, but I do know that I don't feel bad asking folks to contribute a couple of times a year. If we want to increase the raffle participation in the future, we can consider adding more prizes or some more "top end" prizes to help drive ticket sales.
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