September 24 shop build *UPDATED WITH PICTURES*

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Phil S

Phil Soper
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Re: September 24 shop build

Phil, I have access to a scissor lift, which may come in handy for the sections under the gable. Is there room and flat enough ground next to the shop to take advantage of it?

I also have 8' and 12' step ladders, as well as a 22' extension ladder.

I'll bring the coil nailer - just in case (it has a pretty good adjustment on it). I'll have to see if I have any galvanized head coil nails to go with it.

I also have test gear to plug into outlets to verify voltage, proper wiring, ground faults, etc. that I can bring. Is your shop sub-panel hot?

Scott, The panel is not installed yet as I still have not determined where the power feed is coming from - either new feed from Progress or from my 400 amp house panel.
I think the extension ladder would be helpful. Sure wish we could use the lift but the ground is too sloped.

Phil S

Phil Soper
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Re: September 24 shop build

This coming Saturday is forecasted to be almost perfect weather and a great day to work on a shop, enjoy lots of good food and meet fellow woodworkers.

My work load has slowed me up a bit so I am not quite as far along as planned but I will be ready for house wrap, windows and siding. And if we run out of work there is always 50 or so hurricane/rafter ties to install and a front porch/steps to build - we will not run out of work nor food nor drink

Just for an incentive for folks to come, I will raffle off a Dayton industrial oscillating 30" fan - I save a lot of extra stuff and am happy to see it go to fellow woodworkers.

Along about Weds please confirm if you can make this so I can gather the right amount of food.

I will forward my address via PM on Weds night


Re: September 24 shop build

Unless something very major comes up in the next couple of days, count me in.


Recovering tool addict
Corporate Member
Re: September 24 shop build

My work load has slowed me up a bit so I am not quite as far along as planned but I will be ready for house wrap, windows and siding. And if we run out of work there is always 50 or so hurricane/rafter ties to install and a front porch/steps to build - we will not run out of work nor food nor drink
I think what you're saying is that there is probably enough work for two get-togethers! :) Sounds like a plan to me. :icon_thum


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Scott Smith
Re: September 24 shop build

Phil, I'm good for Saturday. I have a nail gun for the simpson strong tie nails too, if that will help.

Phil S

Phil Soper
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Re: September 24 shop build

Phil, I'm good for Saturday. I have a nail gun for the simpson strong tie nails too, if that will help.

That will help. And could you bring your left-handed fratsamagig - I am sure you have one


Corporate Member
Re: September 24 shop build

Phil, is everything still on for Sat? If so include me when you send out your address info. I'll be able to come by after the kids get done with soccer shortly after 12:30 if you still need some assistance.


Phil S

Phil Soper
Staff member
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Re: September 24 shop build

Phil, is everything still on for Sat? If so include me when you send out your address info. I'll be able to come by after the kids get done with soccer shortly after 12:30 if you still need some assistance.


Thanks PM sent


Corporate Member
Re: September 24 shop build

Phil, Please PM me your address/info. I should be able to make it.

Phil S

Phil Soper
Staff member
Corporate Member
Re: September 24 shop build this RAIN or SHINE?

I forecast that I am seeing is for scattered showers more towards the late afternoon. If that holds true I will be out getting things done, but as I only have 1/2 the roof sheathed at this point we will have limited cover if it rains hard. I just got off work so maybe I can get some more roof on before tomorrow. The worst case if it starts raining too hard my old shop is dry and I have plenty of food and drink :dontknow:


Recovering tool addict
Corporate Member
Re: September 24 shop build

It rained a bit in the morning, but that didn't stop any of the fun! Phil has an awesome shop in the making, it is going to be the envy of many woodworkers...once it's finished that is :)


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Scott and Mark wrapping the eh... wrapping!


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"I need a floor drain right about there"


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Phil, Charlie and Joe


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Getting ready for the siding


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Siding going up on the second wall, adjusting for the window. Great material, but dusty!



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Scott is not a big fan of the non-pneumatic nailer


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Mark and Brian observing the activities


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Done! Well, sort of..

All in all, not a bad day of work. Shop wrapped, five windows installed, most of the siding done, electrical rough-in started. A pro crew probably would have finished by lunchtime, but that would have been too much like work. BTW Phil, if you ever get tired of this contracting stuff, you have a terrific second career option as a caterer. The never-ending stream of sandwiches, sodas and snacks was much appreciated!


Corporate Member
Ugly "ONE"? You may need to see your eye Doc. What a day. As Bass stated, it was a little wet at first, but once Robert put plastic over the open half of the roof, it quit raining. Just the opposite of when you wash your car. A lot was accomplished and it was great meeting some new friends as well as seeing some older ones (and I don't mean older, as in age, Joe). I only screwed up one 4 x 8 sheet of siding, but I think Phil can cut it into small enough pieces to salvage most of it, so I didn't do too bad. I didn't realize that it was supposed to be yellow side out. Really, Phil was complaining about the color, so I thought I would put it to the inside and save him some painting. Phil, I don't see why you are building a new shop. With your RC plane hobby and rebuilding the Porsche, etc., you won't have any time left. I'm retired and there still isn't enough time in the day for my hobby.
It really was a great day and the lunch/snacks were great. I'm ready for the next workday. Just let me know Phil.


New User
Scott Smith
It was indeed a great (but wet) day, and we all had a good time and a lot of laughs.

"Inspector Joe" kept us all honest, and Phil's son Robert is a handy guy to have on the team. Charlie too; I don't think that there is much that he hasn't done.

I'll say this... working with The Bas and MarkE is never dull - these guys could open up their own comedy club! I think that Brian would make a great addition to that comedy team too, (but guys you might want to skip using any of Charlie's jokes....)

Phil / Brian - thanks much for the shop fan - it will soon occupy a space of honor high up on one of the walls in my shop!

Phils is going to have a great shop when it's done, too.

All in all a great time!


ps: If any NCWW member are into radio controlled airplanes, you NEED to talk to Phil and Robert. They showed us a 15 HP electric motor from one of their projects; the motor was about 1/3 smaller than your typical aresol spray paint can!
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