Sawstop doing their 20th anniversary sale

Henry W

Corporate Member
Whaaaat? SawStop on sale?! That never happens, they just add in extras.
Makes it slightly more tempting - not many sales gonna happen on SawStop if history is a good predictor.

Henry W

Corporate Member
Hmmm... If it's their 20th anniversary, then their patent must be at or near expiration. Maybe we'll see some generics at reasonable prices.
Not quite - there are lots of continuing or extension patents, as I understand it. So not yet.
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Douglas Robinson

Doug Robinson
Corporate Member
Not quite - there are lots of continuing or extension patents, as I understand it. So not yet.
Actually their patent does not expire until 2034. The patent only issued after litigation where the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit overturned the patent office's rejection. The litigation took ten years and Sawstop is allowed to regain the term of the patent.


Corporate Member
Yes, companies typically file life-extending patents around the core patent (drug companies are infamous for this). However, if another party comes up with a way to use the core without infringing on the extensions, it's completely fair game. Sawstop has already seen the handwriting and has committed to release the core technology to public domain if/when legislature calls for implementation. This is a hallow gesture at best since it is probably about to expire.

SawStop To Dedicate Key U.S. Patent To The Public Upon The Effective Date Of A Rule Requiring Safety Technology On All Table Saws​

Posted on Feb 28th, 2024
3 minutes
TUALATIN, OREGON, Feb. 28, 2024 — Today, in response to proposed rulemaking regarding table saw
safety by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), SawStop committed to dedicate U.S.
Patent 9,724,840 to the public upon the rule’s effective date.
The intent of the proposed rule is to prevent the thousands of amputations and hospitalizations that will
continue to occur without industry-wide action.
“We work to protect and inspire all woodworkers, from novice hobbyists to professional craftspeople.
Opponents of the proposed rulemaking have identified this patent as their key obstacle to offering safer
saws,” said Matt Howard, CEO, SawStop. “We invest heavily in safety innovation, and our patents have
real value. Even so, we will not allow this patent to be an obstacle to a safer future. To that end, SawStop is prepared to dedicate this ‘840 patent to the public upon the effective date of a rule requiring active injury mitigation technology on all table saws. Although such a rule is likely many years away from an effective date, we at SawStop are determined to seek a win-win balance between our mission and our business responsibilities.”
Actually their patent does not expire until 2034. The patent only issued after litigation where the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit overturned the patent office's rejection. The litigation took ten years and Sawstop is allowed to regain the term of the patent.
Wow - that's interesting!

Actually their patent does not expire until 2034. The patent only issued after litigation where the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit overturned the patent office's rejection. The litigation took ten years and Sawstop is allowed to regain the term of the patent.
Mr. Robinson, how are you doing? Hope the North is treating you kindly........


Senior User
I am thinking about picking one up during the sale - my 30+ year old Ryobi struggles with any hardwood. How much assistance do the local stores provide with delivery? I have a detached shop in my backyard that is about 25 yards from the end of the driveway. You cannot drive to the shop, but might be able to get it there on a pallet jack.


Board of Directors, Secretary
Staff member
Corporate Member
They put mine in the back of my truck. I don’t know they really have a delivery option that i am aware of


Senior User

SawStop delivered today. Now just need to assemble it.

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