Road Trip to Cassatt, SC

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Ed (nelsone) & I took a road trip to Cassatt, SC this morning to visit Susan (BKind2Anmls) and look over her new bandsaw acquisition. We got there and immediately proceeded to take the thing apart! Susan took notes on what we were doing and helped us. This is a nice bandsaw and just needed a little TLC to bet it back to life. The first thing we did was open the blade guards and see if everything turned free. It did, so we released the blade tension and removed the blade. The table came off easily and with an ROS, Susan should have it sparkling in no time. We found that the upper blade guide shaft had seized. A little WD40, some sandpaper, a mallet and an oak dowel and off it came, along with the mallet head (it didn't hurt). The blade guide pinion knob was missing a roll pin. No big deal. The thrust bearing was also shot. Not a major issue either. It appeared to be a standard size that would readily be available on the net. That monster 2-1/2" blade had some surface rust, but with some careful application of a sanding sponge and a sharpening it will be ready for action. The motor turned freely and when we plugged it up and turned it on away it went. I believe someone already said this motor was a screamer. That was an understatement, but I have circular saws that make more noise.
Susan plans to rebuild the wooden roll around base to make it stationary & solid. We suggested she put in a dust port when she does. She says she will use it mostly for resaw and veneer, and it should suit these purposes perfectly with a 12" capacity.
BTW, here's the proof:


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We would have taken more pics of the shop but I figured I'd let Susan do that when she was ready. It promises to be a very functional work area. All in all, an enjoyable morning for Ed & me and I hope a benefit to Susan.
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Mike Davis

Corporate Member
Great work and good on ya. That's the way we do business around here!

Sounds like it is not far from working order. I know Susan was happy to see it coming to life.

Bill Clemmons

Corporate Member
Good stuff!
Embodies the spirit of this site to a "T"
Kudos all around~

+4. What I value most about this site: members helping members, and nobody asking, "What's in it for me?" :notworthy:

Susan, can't wait to see it in operation, and some pics of the rest of your shop.



New User
It was a fun way to spend a morning. I always enjoy a road trip with Dennis, we discuss everything under the sun and sometimes the sun too! It was great seeing Susan again and visiting her shop. She will have a great setup when she gets it all put together.

No matter how hard I tried to convince her that saw was more than she needed, I just couldn't talk her into sending it home with me!:rolf: It is a very impressive saw, but like Dennis mentioned it's a screamer! Susan was very generous and did send us on our way with some goodies.

Thanks for having us Susan, I hope we were able to help you get started with that saw!


New User
Hey Dennis, why don't you show us the pic where you fold/coil the bandsaw blade back up so it will fit in the packaging! That's the pic we all want to see!


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I actually did that, but I had to stand back to uncoil it! It looked like 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' when they opened the lid on the Ark! :gar-Bi


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Sorry, I'm so late to the conversation. I had to work all day and just got home. I want to thank Dennis and Ed for their help. I feel a lot more confident in getting in all back together and I appreciated having someone there with more experience than I in turning it on for the first time. Once I get it going, it will be available to anyone who need to resaw. Looks like it has a 12" limit. I should be able to work on it Tuesday.
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