Reported Post by Sully

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Sully has reported a post.

I believe this is the actual post cskipper wanted to report. Needs to be moderated IMHO.
Post: Raleigh or Charlotte for a shop?
Forum: General Woodworking
Assigned Moderators: McRabbet, MikeH

Posted by: tryingtokeepmyfingers
Original Content:
Charlotte sucks just full of greedy bankers and I have to live around them
Raleigh is great full of nice techie smart people
but I would agree with the
triad region a lower cost of living and operating and still not too far away from Raleigh or Charlotte

I know I should not say this but North Carolina is not where you want to go to start with
You want to go to South Carolina...

North Carolina has the highest business taxes of all the southern states you might want to look a little north of Columbia South Carolina or north of Grenville SC

that is my honest opinion and from my point of view the truth cause I am sure I probably just offended someone........ I will say sorry to everyone but the greedy bankers ahead of time
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