Reported Post by Mt. Gomer

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Mt. Gomer

New User
Mt. Gomer has reported a post.

I'm removing this post. The thread asked for opinions and there were a lot that were given. I'm not sure why wayne took offence however his response was over the line (argumentative, rude, commenting on posters beliefs which were never alluded to anywhere in the thread) and there wouldn't be anything meaningful left if I edited....
Post: hollow mortise chisel
Forum: General Woodworking
Assigned Moderators: McRabbet, MikeH

Posted by: wayne
Original Content:
I think you get the point. So many are willing to give you the add on. That should tell you something. Go ahead and get the add on from one of our generous members. Then watch Craig's List for a dedicated hollow chisel mortiser. That is the way I got my Delta dedicated mortising machine. I paid $60.00 for mine. I have seen at least a dozen recently for $100.00 and less. When you get your dedicated machine, you can donate the add on to another one of our members.

I will give the majority of you on this forum one thing you are a very opinionated bunch of people.
I haven't read where anyone responded to the OP offering to give away anything. I offered to sell one and Phil offered to let Jody use one and then pay what it was worth to him which in my opinion was a very generous offer and would more then likely be Jody's best bet in this matter. As for an answer to the OP Travis gave the best advice to Jody on his question in my not so humble opinion just because it did'nt work out for most of you is not to say it won't work out best for Jody for the time being.
Oh one more thing as far as mine being still unused within a couple of weeks of purchasing it I traded for a dedicated floor model made by Fisch which also has never been used I guess that makes it worthless also in most of you peoples minds, not so I just happen to have more discretionary income 8-9 years ago then most people and chose to invest in what I considered quality woodworking equipment for the time.
LIfe changes and sometimes we don't follow thru with our best intentions. For someone that relies on prayer as much as a lot of you people profess to you sure are a ****ning bunch at times


Mt. Gomer

New User
My email to the poster:

I removed this post as it was in violation of the site policy's Prohibited subject section (argumentative behavior, personal attacks, religous content). The OP specifically asked for opinions on bolt on motising attachments and she got a lot of them but they were relevant to the original posts. You're more than welcome to post your own opinion however it should be done w/o attacking the viewpoints of others.
Thanks for understanding,

wayne said:
I think you get the point. So many are willing to give you the add on. That should tell you something. Go ahead and get the add on from one of our generous members. Then watch Craig's List for a dedicated hollow chisel mortiser. That is the way I got my Delta dedicated mortising machine. I paid $60.00 for mine. I have seen at least a dozen recently for $100.00 and less. When you get your dedicated machine, you can donate the add on to another one of our members.

I will give the majority of you on this forum one thing you are a very opinionated bunch of people.
I haven't read where anyone responded to the OP offering to give away anything. I offered to sell one and Phil offered to let Jody use one and then pay what it was worth to him which in my opinion was a very generous offer and would more then likely be Jody's best bet in this matter. As for an answer to the OP Travis gave the best advice to Jody on his question in my not so humble opinion just because it did'nt work out for most of you is not to say it won't work out best for Jody for the time being.
Oh one more thing as far as mine being still unused within a couple of weeks of purchasing it I traded for a dedicated floor model made by Fisch which also has never been used I guess that makes it worthless also in most of you peoples minds, not so I just happen to have more discretionary income 8-9 years ago then most people and chose to invest in what I considered quality woodworking equipment for the time.
LIfe changes and sometimes we don't follow thru with our best intentions. For someone that relies on prayer as much as a lot of you people profess to you sure are a ****ning bunch at times

In response to your [post=319183]Post[/post] (as quoted above) in the [thread=32492]hollow mortise chisel[/thread] thread:

Ray Martin

New User
Holy smokes... Somebody there (wayne) had way too many cups of coffee this morning... good catch Travis... and good PM


Administrator , Forum Moderator
Par for the course for Wayne. He is my second most moderated person. Look back at some of the personal attacks on me if they are still there. Either way, you did the RIGHT thing.

Mt. Gomer

New User
In case you're interested, here's the response (and response to the response:wconfused:)... I think it was more than coffee that got him riled up Ray....

wayne said:

It doesn't bother me that the post in referance was deleted, to be honest I would have been more surprised if it hadn't been deleted.
There was no personal attack in my post, there was however an opinion based on all the other posts.
It amazes me as I pointed out in my post that you people (general statement ) are so self-rightous, you people are so quick to chastize other people's ads on craigs list and other places but take offense so quickly when someone posts the click's short comings.
The biggest difference between us is you people have to poke fun at other peoples ignorance and shortcomings and I just tell it like it is for the people involved to hear. I used to think how hypocritical of these people but the wisdom of age now lets me view it from a different perspective, now I think if these people are this way believing in and being involved in the teachings of christ on a day to day basis what in the He$$ would they be like if they didn't..
I think that when Steve Coles conceived this site he had a very altruistic reason for doing so, but the more he distances his self from it the more it is slowly becoming a gathering place for the self centered self-rightous.
I hope you don't take any of this as a personal attack on yourself just my perspective based on what I read in a loot of the posts.
If this post makes you want to bar me thats fine also.


Hi Wayne,

Thanks for understanding about the post moderation. It's an imperfect science but in this case I felt it was the right course of action. Feel free to vent in my general (or specific) directon at any time via PM.


Ray Martin

New User

You have shown an amazing restraint and consideration in your response to the continued rant. And I agree, it's got to be more than just coffee. At one end of the post, he demonstrates the chip on his shoulder, "... If this post makes you want to bar me thats fine also." Throughout the the post, I almost think he is demonstrating an alternate perception of reality.

I'd like to know where 'we people' are poking fun at others. If we are doing anything that is in any way hurtful, we need to improve our behavior... but I don't think we are doing anything malicious. I think all too often we use the expression "... I just tell it like it is...", is nothing more than a euphemism for I'm OK with my being tactless.

Your answer brings to mind what my mother said to me so many times while I was growing up. "A soft answer turneth away wrath."

Most excellent moderation / response, Travis.


Recovering tool addict
Corporate Member
Most excellent moderation / response, Travis.
+1 :eusa_clap :eusa_clap :eusa_clap

BTW, I think Wayne is the bravest person here on NCWW. Although I guess since he's never met Travis in person he doesn't know it :rotflm:

Mt. Gomer

New User
Your answer brings to mind what my mother said to me so many times while I was growing up. "A soft answer turneth away wrath."

Yeah, that's pretty much been my experience too. It takes two to tango, I generally just politely decline to dance.




Thanks for the timely action Monty -- I would have taken action, too but I was away for five days and did not have any Internet connection as expected or I would have made a post to that effect. Excellent job on your action and response.
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