Reported Post by Mt. Gomer

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Mt. Gomer

New User
Mt. Gomer has reported a post.

I put this thread in moderation pending weigh in from y'all. I sent this PM to KEN:

Hi Ken,
I completely understand your frustration and anger concerning this transation however a rant in a public thread isn't the best way of handling the situation and is contrary to our site policy. I've placed this thread in moderation. Please consider reporting the classified adds that are being misrepresented to the moderators so appropriate action can be taken.
Post: Bad Motor (buyers beware)
Forum: Power Tools and Their Use
Assigned Moderators: toolferone, ptt49er

Posted by: boxxmaker
Original Content:
Don't know if anybody remembers,but last yr I restored an old Walker Turner bandsaw.I was looking for a 1 1/2 hp motor for it and one of our members sold me one,thought I had a good deal,untill I found out it was a 50 hz motor and ran in reverse,well I had an electritian rewire it so it would run the right way,but was told that it would shut down,if any strain was put on the motor.Well yesterday was the 1st time I had a chance to test it out on some 12" maple that I wanted to resaw.It would resaw about a ft,then shut down,let it cool of a while,then tried it again,same results.I was told this would happen by the manufacturer,but being that I had a 150 bucks in it already,I tried it anyway.So now I am stuck .Looks like I am in the market for a GOOD BS that I can resaw with.BTW none of these features (the reverse thing and 50 hz thing were mentioned in the add and still are not being mentioned in the add that is still running here.SO buyer beware.Sorry about the rant,BUT right now I am just totally TICKED.

Mt. Gomer

New User
Follow up emails:

boxxmaker said:
No problem there,as I didn't want to make the post,but when I first found out about what I had,So I sent a PM to woodwrangler telling him about it and was told that I should post it,so others would know about it.At the time though,I didn't want to stir up any bad feelings,but after what I have gone thru,I decided to let folks know about this motor,so no one else would get stuck with one of the.So now,here's my dilemma,should I report bad dealins in the future or just suck it up and let others folks get screwed.Sorry,but thats how I feel about this deal.

Mt. Gomer said:
Honestly, I'm new to the moderation game around here so I'm not sure what the best solution is. I will certianly ask around as your concerns are valid and get back to you with suggestions from the staff. I would recommend reporting any ongoing classified ad that you feel might be a problem so we can take a look at it.

Thanks for understanding,



Staff member
Corporate Member
Frankly, I think his rank was well done. He was very civil and did not point fingers at anyone directly. I know in this world it is buyer beware but I think the seller is at least responsible to properly represent what they are selling and any known issues.

Mt. Gomer

New User
Frankly, I think his rank was well done. He was very civil and did not point fingers at anyone directly. I know in this world it is buyer beware but I think the seller is at least responsible to properly represent what they are selling and any known issues.

I certianly agree with the second part, just didn't know what our policy was in dealing with disputes coming out of the classified ads. I placed the thread in moderation so it can be restored if appropriate...



New User
I see both sides of this dilemma. I think you did the right thing and your post to him were well said.
Haven't checked to see if the motor is still offered or by whom. My first reaction is to contact the seller and try to work out a solution. Then if there's no satisfaction then a more polite post informing the membership of the risk of buying used or unspecified items from any classifieds.

Personally, if I had sold him the motor and he didn't try contacting me first I'd be very unhappy upon reading that rant.

Wish I had some good advice here but I think you did what you needed to.


Ray Martin

New User
I agree with Scott, that this is a well built rant. I also think he should contact the seller, rather than just rant. I agree with Barbara in that the seller should be given the opportunity to do the right thing. If the seller does not work toward some agreeable resolution, then the BoD should discuss how best to deal with the seller / advertiser.


Staff member
Corporate Member
I can't say the seller did anything wrong unless he listed the motor as 60 hz. The rarity of a 50 hz motor certainly makes it something no one would usually look for. I DO have a 'gut feeling' that the seller knew about it if they used the motor, but if it was one they were reselling they may not have noticed & could have been misled or unaware.
I would certainly contact the seller and ask if they had any means of redress. The time factor would possibly mitigate any full refund, but an exchange may be an option. It also would have been better IMO if he had been contacted before the motor had been placed in service. As for the post, I think it's OK but it could be a catalyst for more extreme posts.

Mt. Gomer

New User
I wanted to follow up to see how we should resolve this so I can get back to Ken. He has asked what the official policy is for dealing with bad transactions that occurr between members via the classifieds. I think everyone agrees that the first step would be for the buyer to contact the seller with the concerns to see if it can't be worked out. I've also advised him to use the "report listing" function on any current ads he feels are troublesome so we can look at them.

So I guess the last question is what should a buyer do, if anything, if he's not able to come to an agreement with the seller? Is it ok to post a thread/rant as he did above (it's in moderation so we can easily put it back). If not, perhaps a post that's more info and slightly less rant to warn other possible buyers? I know a lot of auction/classified type places have a feedback/rating system to deal with these types of situations, not sure if we want to get into that but it might be helpful to have some suggestions in place for the rare situations where there are problems.



New User
If it isn't offically said anywhere it should be. May I suggest:

The classifieds section of NCWW is provided as a service to both buyers and sellers. NCWW is NOT a broker and maintains the same position as the publisher and editors of a newspaper as it pertains to the classified ads. All transactions, unless explictly stated, are between the buyers and sellers. NCWW does not mediate any transactions which are solely between the buyer and seller. NCWWI takes no position in any dispute between a buyer and seller and neither party may use the forums to further their point of view in any dispute between the parties. Any such comment or post will be immediately removed from the site by any moderator.

However, NCWWI reserves the right to remove any ad and/or ban any person(s) from using the classifieds area based on a decision by the Webmaster that such an action is in the best interests of the users of NCWW and/or the members of NCWWI.

Feel free to clean up my language, I think my intent is reasonably clear.

Mt. Gomer

New User

You might want to clarify the second half a bit. Perhaps encourage users to use the "report listing" feature for troublesome ads?



Staff member
Corporate Member
Steve, my suggestions are in blue

"The classifieds section of North Carolina Woodworker is provided as a service to both buyers and sellers. North Carolina Woodworker is NOT a broker and maintains the same position as the publisher and editors of a newspaper as it pertains to the classified ads. All transactions, unless explictly stated, are between the buyers and sellers. North Carolina Woodworker does not mediate any transactions which are solely between the buyer and seller. NCWWI takes no position in any dispute between a buyer and seller and neither party may use [STRIKE]the[/STRIKE] any forums to further their point of view in any dispute between the parties. Any such comments, threads or posts will be immediately removed from the site. [STRIKE]by any moderator.[/STRIKE]

However, NCWWI reserves the right to remove any ad and/or ban any person(s) from using the classifieds area based on a decision by the [STRIKE]Webmaster[/STRIKE] NCWWI Board of Directors if [STRIKE]that[/STRIKE] such an action is in the best interests of the users of North Carolina Woodworker and/or the members of NCWWI."


New User
I have tried to incorporate all the comments that were provide. Scott, in response to the changing the decision of banning from the webmaster to the BOD, i just removed any specific entity. This is a policy that would be published to our users and members, they only need to know our official position, they don't need to know who is the making the decision. By leaving it out, we also eliminate from any debate on the general concepts of this as a policy, the issue of should be making policy for the website. That is an arrangement for another and another time.

Disclaimer: This thread was asking how to deal with a specific situation. I merely suggested a policy that might help deal with similar situations in the future. I have no authority to make this policy. The webmaster, Tracy, can, if he feels it is appropriate.

Policy SUGGESTION said:
The classifieds section of North Carolina Woodworker is provided as a service to both buyers and sellers. North Carolina Woodworker is NOT a broker and maintains the same position as the publisher and editors of a newspaper as it pertains to the classified ads. All transactions, unless explicitly stated, are between the buyers and sellers. North Carolina Woodworker does not mediate any transactions which are solely between the buyer and seller. NCWWI takes no position in any dispute between a buyer and seller and neither party may use any forums to further their point of view in any dispute between the parties. Any such comments, threads, or posts will be immediately removed from the site.

On those occasions where a user wishes to bring to the staff's attention, an ad or the person(s) who placed it or responded to it, they use the "Report an Ad" link.

NCWWI reserves the right to remove any ad and/or ban any person(s) from using the classifieds area based on a decision that such an action is in the best interests of the users of North Carolina Woodworker and/or the corporate members of NCWWI.


I am not enough of a wordsmith to comment on the exact verbiage used but Steve's suggestion is a very good one. Our corporation should not be a mediator for disputes between parties. :wsmile:
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