Reported Post by Mt. Gomer

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Mt. Gomer

New User
Mt. Gomer has reported a post.

This thread started out great but is going down hill fast and there's already pre-emptive moderator bashing going on. Not sure the best way to handle it...
Post: How many people buy Plans?
Forum: General Woodworking
Assigned Moderators: McRabbet, MikeH

Posted by: merrill77
Original Content:
Please don't put words in my mouth that I totally disagree with.

I quite clearly did not. I never mentioned your name, nor did I quote anything from your posts.

I don't know why people keep trying to make something negative out of a very positive statement.

I'll offer a guess that "Buying plans means building somebody else's project" was interpreted as condescending, rather than "very positive". I can see how someone might take it that way and apparently some did. I can also see how one might interpret that to imply than one is not being creative if one chooses to use somebody else's plans.

Now, if our moderators are consistent, they will edit out my statements in my own defense and leave your comment standing...making me look like a bad guy (like last time).



Recovering tool addict
Corporate Member
Edit the posts, delete the posts, or put the thread in moderation (hiding it from view). But don't leave it out there.


Staff member
Corporate Member
I have made a post in that thread. It was intended as a warning. Let's hope they take it as such. Let's keep watch.

BTW I did take Chris's statement as a dare. IMHO to act on that dare quickly would only escalate the situation.

Ray Martin

New User
I have made a post in that thread. It was intended as a warning. Let's hope they take it as such. Let's keep watch.

BTW I did take Chris's statement as a dare. IMHO to act on that dare quickly would only escalate the situation.


I think you took a good step... there are enough folks angry with one another. taking offense where they should not, that a posted warning was in order.

I would suggest that if Scott's warning is not heeded, the thread should be closed, offending posts deleted, and the angry members should receive strongly worded PMs. This has degraded to a sophomoric tobacco spitting contest.

Douglas Robinson

Doug Robinson
Corporate Member
FWIW: While Mike said that his intent was not meant the way his post is being read, I have just spoken with someone that (as an aside as this was not the point of the call) this thread is a ****ing match. We need to remember: intent is irrelevant! It is how the post is likely to be interpreted the is the measure. Here, at least one post come across as condecending.



New User
Funny how Chris is super sensitive to Mike's posts, but feels no compunction about taking an unprovoked shot at the moderation team. Uhhg...:dontknow:
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