Reported Post by Mt. Gomer

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Mt. Gomer

New User
Mt. Gomer has reported a post.

Uh oh, this one could get ugly, we should keep an eye on it. - Travis
Post: Anyone know who makes the best ceiling fans?
Forum: Off Topic
Assigned Moderators: ScottM, Bas, TracyP

Posted by: crokett
Original Content:
So the BORG should reimburse you for a problem that was a manufacturing defect and not of its making?

Despite my polite complaints to the BORG store manager there was no mention of time or gas reimbursements from the BORG store manager, heck not even a discount card... That's what ticked me off most, sell junk and give your customers the shaft...

Ray Martin

New User
Good catch, Travis. This is a thread that should have been as peaceful and as informative as it started out. Jeff's epithets are thinly veiled... this is just another rant, covering some of his favorite topics... like "certain countries". It might have just died with that, but with the reply from Crokett, it could turn into a tobacco spitting contest.

We do have to keep any eye on this one.


New User
Jim Campbell
Just a hint of history, Jeff is one of our more frequently moderated members. For posts much like you identified.

While we don't jump on Jeff or threads he derails, we do keep a closer eye on his "works".

Jeff tends to also start heated discussions, which crokett has jumped into.

Good catch!


Mt. Gomer

New User
Yeah, I'd picked up on the history from earlier threads in this forum but I would have flagged this one whoever had made the original comment based on the response alone. A lot of potential for escalation...

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