Reported Post by Mt. Gomer

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Mt. Gomer

New User
Mt. Gomer has reported a post.

Looks like there's potential for trouble here......
Post: eShield, fact or fiction?
Forum: DIY- Home improvement
Assigned Moderators: NCPete, Gotcha6

Posted by: mkepke
Original Content:
<snip> They both claim that current building code in Raleigh requires R49 insulation in new construction and that any old homes sold now must be upgraded to current insulation codes at the sellers expense.:icon_scra This especially struck me as bandsaw since we're currently selling a townhouse in the area and our agent didn't inform us of that supposed requirement when we listed last month.
This is misunderstanding (or misinformation) about the Cap and Trade federal act passed by the House last year. Note this act is not law yet.

Basically, that act, if passed, would provide financial incentives for the *voluntary* improvement in energy efficiency for existing residences. Feds give the money to the states, who gives the money to the residents for improving efficiency. This is in addition to the current and so-called Cash for Caukers program handled via fed income tax credits.

It also proposed significant mandatory increases in efficiency requirements for new houses, but this would only affect houses built IIRC starting in 2012 - if the act ever passes.


Ray Martin

New User

I'm not sure I see trouble in here... yet... (but the word 'government' has been used)... it's just energy efficiency and what the government encouraging. ... and R49 is a LOT of insulation....

Do we need to do anything yet? Do we just need to keep an eye on this?

Ray Martin

New User
In reading thru the thread, most of the ranting is about some rather dubious energy claims by a company doing the "inspections". So far, it sounds as if the problems are with that contractor and not our members :wsmile:

Mt. Gomer

New User
I agree there's no trouble yet but in my experience in general (not ncww specifically) the mere words "Cap and Trade" are incredibly polarizing especially when it's used as the name for a Federal act of legislation.... Just seems like the ball has been tee'd up and we'll have to wait to see if anyone tries to hit it out of the park.



New User
Jim Campbell
I'd also support the post being ok. Mark very clearly stated some laws and programs related to the topic without making a political statement.

Something I know I'd not be able to do :)


Ray Martin

New User
Agreed, Travis. It's one we have to keep a close eye on. This is one of those very sensitive topics... almost counts as flame-bait.
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