Read every part of your receipts

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New User
FYI... I went to LOWES tonight and this came out on the bottom of the cash register. I'm not sure I fully understand what it's trying to tell me. Can some elaborate please.


Mt. Gomer

New User
I'm guessing this is about all the bad drywall in Florida, etc. Lowes is basically saying we sold it, we're not admitting it was bad drywall (actually explicitly saying they think it was fine) but they've agreed to settle.

FYI: Class = large group of people all acting together as a single plaintiff

The rest of it says
1) if you bought bad drywall you're part of the Class (and bound by the settlement{accept payment in exchange for promising never to sue}) unles you specifically exclude yourself from the class.
2) if you are part of the class you have until 5/18/ll to file a claim, otherwise you're out of luck.
3) The settlement hasn't been accepted by a Judge yet, this will happen at a hearing on 11/19. If approved it will be binding for all members of the class (those who didn't specifically exclude themselves).
4) If you are a part of the class but want to object to the terms of the settlement you may do so by 11/9. Probably to give the judge time to go through them before the hearing on the 19th...
5) for the details, go to the website listed...

I think that's the gist of it. I'm obviously not an attorney so judge the above accordingly. Short story is: If you've bought drywall from Lowes and it was funky you might want to check out the website to see what's up.


Mike Davis

Corporate Member
They have your complete purchase history on computer. If you don't believe it ask a clerk about what brand of something you bought last year like you need to get another matching one.

I did that at the auto parts place last week and she told me exactly what I bought 6 months ago.


they may be printing that on all of the receipts. :rotflm:

dave "dhi"

New User
They also have your entire return list also. My neighbor was declined a return, cause he was returning things to often over a year period. Tho, he did finish his walk up unfinished 2nd floor with majority of tools he bought and later returned!

Bill Clemmons

Corporate Member

they may be printing that on all of the receipts. :rotflm:

Looks like they're printing that on all receipts. I just looked at one from two days ago and it has the same message on the bottom. I've never bought drywall from Lowe's.

But thanks for the head's up, Mike. I didn't realize they had your history so readily available. :no:



New User
I remember hearing about this on the news. The Drywall came from China, was really shotty, and had some health concern associated with it (laced with lead or strict nine or something)



New User
I remember hearing about this on the news. The Drywall came from China, was really shotty, and had some health concern associated with it (laced with lead or strict nine or something)


It was releasing sulpher compounds, sulpher dioxide if I recall, which was\had potential to corrode copper pipes, electrical wiring etc. It also smells really bad (think rotten eggs). I suspect it was a genuine problem affecting a somewhat limited group of people that was turned into a major issue by an ambitious attorney or 3 for the sake of creating a class action lawsuit eg. !payday! After all, it's the American way...
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