Piedmont Wood Workers Guild

What would you like to bring?

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Jim Campbell
On behalf of Ed Nelson (aka nelsone), here is an exciting upcoming event!


The Date is set for the first Piedmont Wood Workers Guild.....It is going to be the third Saturday in March which is March the 20th.

We plan to process a tree from standing to drying...... The class will begin at 10:00am Saturday and probably run til 4-5:00.
Please wear old clothes and water proof boots. It's a farm with lot's of cows.....so watch out for pooo....lol.

Rain date will be the following Saturday the 27th, if we are washed out....

Address to Mill:
5048 Reinhardt Circle
Iron Station NC 28080...

It should be a fun day of of playing in the mud and processing some lumber...

We will cover:
- Selecting the Right Tree
- Transporting
- Sawing
- Different area's to get different types of lumber, ie (quartersawn, flatsawn, grade sawing, flitch cutting).....
- Stacking and Storage options
- Stickering
- Kiln Drying
Bonus= We will slab out some 45-50" wide Walnut slabs Also....

We have some Apple chunks laying around, and thinking about doing a couple of Boston Butts, some buns, chips, and drinks....If anyone can maybe add to this menu that would be great also...
Ed(nelsone) has offered to help with some of the coordination, so please PM him if you are able to contribute to the lunch menu. Here are some of the things that will be needed and if you have something special you would like to bring that will be welcome!

Look forward to see everyone, if you can count on here so we can maybe plan on how many to expect....That would be wonderful....

We plan to have a good time, teach you as much as we know, and throw some sawwwwww dusttttttt

Please feel free to give me a call if you have any questions....828-994-7333

Also feel free to throw out some ideas of everything, or anything you would like to go over or learn about on Saturday the 20th..... If Kyle or myself knowing anything about it we will be glad to tell you all we know...
Best Regards,
Chris and Kyle
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New User
Hey guys! this should be a lot of fun! If you can bring something from the list above it would be appreciated, I think we are going to have one heck of a lunch! Please respond to the poll above.


Papa Red
Senior User
I got chips. If someone can post how many are attending closer to the date, I will know how many to bring. Sounds like a great time. I hope we have great weather.



New User
I make a pretty mean Blue Cheese Cole Slaw which I'll be glad to bring. Can't wait.



New User
As of right this moment I'm planning on being there. I voted to bring some drinks; Pepsi, etc; and I seriously hope to be able to get there.


New User
Thanks guys! I'll try and get a head count estimate this by the end of the week. When I talked with Chris they were thinking around 17~20!


New User
Looks like about [STRIKE]15[/STRIKE]17 people so far. Let me know if I need to adjust this list.

Hey guys we can also count on about 6-9 wood workers and turners that come by often that don't visit the this site....YES I have given them the web addy several times now... I guess I'm really thinking we will have about 30-40 people on the 20th....Please keep your fingers crossed for nice weather....lol.

If for some crazy reason if we do have bad weather we will reschedule this to the following weekend....

Thanks Again
Chris Brittain

Mark Stewart

New User
need to know if you guys got a fidge down there if so the Wife has said that she would make some of her chocklet naner puddin.

Thanks Mark


New User
I would love to attend as well but it will be a last minute decision based on when I can get back in town from business travel. I'll let you know as soon as possible and will bring anything needed. Hope to see you guys there...Bill:icon_thum


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Bruce Swanson
:icon_cheersReally, really hope I can make it. Depends on work schedule, but will be there if at all possible. Just one thing though Kyle, I got very lost trying to find your mill. Believe I saw your road, but wasn't sure if it was a public or private drive so didn't go down it. Sounds like a great time to be had and a good start for the Guild.:eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap
Guys we will be closed this Saturday unless you need me to meet you for something real quick....We are cleaning like crazy and trying to get all our slabs ran through the 50" drum to have everything cleaned up, so we have some eye candy for everyone....We are also finishing up our custom vac system with a dump outside. last but not least we are wax sealing about 500 blanks we just finished ripping out and running through our new spiral head jointer...

Guys I don't want to jinxs us, but according to the 10 weather outlook it is going to be mid 60's and partly Sunny... Let's all keep our fingers crossed.


New User
I would love to attend as well but it will be a last minute decision based on when I can get back in town from business travel. I'll let you know as soon as possible and will bring anything needed. Hope to see you guys there...Bill:icon_thum

I am in the same kinda situation as well, so if I see I can make it - will check on what is needed and bring it along.


New User
There are 2 of us from Clt that would like to attend.
Tony Profera and Mike Smith.
We will bring a side dish to augment the lunch selections.
Thanks for hosting this day and we look forward to attending.
It is shaping up to be a great day...I think the weather is going to be nice and we are working hard to clean up the shop, the mill, and the slabber... We are also doing a little maintenance on all the equipment so you guys don't see what hassles you can run into when working with machines and wood...lol.

Also, The bathroom is very large pick out any nice tree you like...So if the unexpected does arise, there is an Exxon station 2-3 miles down the road. We do have an Out house, but it hasn't been used in a year or so, SO USE AT YOUR ON RISK>>>>Lol

I plan to do a final count Thursday of this week, but if you need more time I would say at this point to plan on about having 30 + guest.

If your item needs to be kept cool until lunch we will have a cooler or two with ice...

We are very excited and look forward to seeing everyone Saturday morning bright and early....Again if you have any questions please feel free to call Chris at 828-994-7333

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