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D L Ames

New User
D L Ames
Sorry DL, I forgot it's different in the showmlist template (you got it working in the thumbnail display mode - check it out!) :eusa_danc

Anyway.... about half way down in that template, make this line in yours look like this:

Okay, its done but IMHO it is not as clean looking as it is over on or the way I had it set up on the test site.



New User
Well.... it's easy to change the code to show whatever you want it to display! Now that you know the name of the variable for the user's album (instead of their profile options), you can just substitute one for the other. Or don't use a 2nd link at all. That extra code is just to insert the line break <br /> and the parentheses and the "Show _____'s album" string. Just read through that code I posted, it should start to make some sense. If not, just let me know!

I thought it would be good to have both links (click the name to see the profile, click the 2nd link to see their album), so that's the way I did it before. I thought that a convenient link to the user's profile might be needed for admin functions, but I could be wrong about that...


New User
This software looks cool. The biggest thing I miss is the "breadcrumbs" type of hierarchy display. Didn't the old software have that? I think you could look up at the top at all times and be able to tell who's album you were looking at... I'm sure there is a way to provide a similar function, I just don't see it right now.

D L Ames

New User
D L Ames
This software looks cool. The biggest thing I miss is the "breadcrumbs" type of hierarchy display. Didn't the old software have that? I think you could look up at the top at all times and be able to tell who's album you were looking at... I'm sure there is a way to provide a similar function, I just don't see it right now.

Monty, is this the kind of breadcrumb you're talking about?

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New User
Yea I guess that's it... didn't the old software have breadcrumbs up top like the forums?

D L Ames

New User
D L Ames
Yes, I believe it did. This one has it for PP but it is not all the way at the top where you normally see it. The breadcrumbs I pasted from 4Yanks album came off of the menu bar in the upper portion of the page where the links for My Photos, My Albums, etc is located.



It must be early in the morning, but I can't see how to move pictures into folders if they have already been in my album.


New User
Pete Davio
Pete, you need to be learning this. This realyy should be your job

just reading this this morning, rough week for me. Finals - writing about 3000 words for my philosophy class, and my store manager has transferred, leaving me in charge, with a short staff. I'll print things out, so that I don't lose track, and probably do any work to PP starting tomorrow morning. (my (half) day off.)
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