Photo Galleries problems

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New User
First, let me say, That NO ONE should be kicking themselves about this issue. These things happen. All it shows is that this a computer system. It may show that we may need to get better coordination. It also shows that I need to automated the creation of photo galleries, which I have been avoiding becuase of the work involved.

Now what happened? First, it was not as bad as it looked. Everything was there. The reason, it took so long was I wanted to be very careful so I didn't make things worse.

I had to look at the DB first so I coulld see what really happened, before I tried to fix it. Then since I was there I fixed it there, but it could have been fixed from the admincp.

Oh one other, a catergory disappears, adding another with the same name, is not good idea. In a database system such as this, the name has no real meaning, the true identy of cats and their hierarchial relationship is a unique number assigned by the system. cat 4 = Member's Abums. It name got changed to cmartinson's album, somehow and it settings were changed to be that which we use for for member's album plus thos of a highest level cat. So everything was there, but was not being displayed.

D L Ames

New User
D L Ames
Sounds like it was a cake walk for you Steve.:icon_thum I am glad everything worked out. BTW, I see Monty now has the title of Administrator. Is that truly the case..............or has the neighborhood simply gone to crap?:lol:

Thanks for getting us back up and running so quickly Steve.



SteveColes said:
First, let me say, That NO ONE should be kicking themselves about this issue. These things happen.
I think we all agree -- stuff happens!
SteveColes said:
Now what happened? First, it was not as bad as it looked. Everything was there. The reason, it took so long was I wanted to be very careful so I didn't make things worse.
And I suspect that I may have added to your challenge by adding the new version of the Member's Album.
SteveColes said:
I had to look at the DB first so I could see what really happened, before I tried to fix it. Then since I was there I fixed it there, but it could have been fixed from the admincp.
That's what we need to learn -- I couldn't find a cmartinson's Album or the Member's Album. Several of us need to learn how to troubleshoot this type of issue and follow the fundamental rule: "investigate first, before taking action"!

SteveColes said:
Oh one other, a category disappears, adding another with the same name, is not good idea. In a database system such as this, the name has no real meaning, the true identity of categories and their hierarchal relationship is a unique number assigned by the system. cat 4 = Member's Albums. It name got changed to cmartinson's album, somehow and it settings were changed to be that which we use for for member's album plus those of a highest level cat. So everything was there, but was not being displayed.
My bad move added work -- but fortunately Mr. Wizard got it straight.

I'm going to suggest that until Steve can automate this process, we follow the strict procedure he outlined before with the following additions -- whoever responds to an Album request in the Queue should first REFRESH their browser before they post a message saying "I've got it". Someone else may have acted before you! Then, when you've logged out of Admin CP, immediately refresh again, post "Done", and Close the Thread.


Steve D

Steve DeWeese
Glad you got it fixed Steve, I was optimistic that we hadn't totally blown it since the random images were still around. I had tried to recreate the category too and then deleted it when I realized that did't solve the problem.
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