Ok, when in doubt - put thread in moderation but

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We are supposed to send a pm to the poster if we put a thread in moderation. What are we supposed to say if we put one in moderation? Because? Because we think it might violate something, but not sure what? This isn't mean to be sarcastic, I really don't know the answer.


Administrator , Forum Moderator
The reason we put a post or thread in moderation is so the staff can decide as a team whether the post, thread violates policy if in doubt. That way it is not an individual decision. If it is cut and dried, then it is what it is, get rid of it via a soft delete.


I apologize, I must've not explained my question. I realize that we put things in moderation for discussion. My question is what do we say in the pm we send when we move something to moderation? Other input my not happen for a little while, but meanwhile the poster is wanting to know why it was moved, or what part of site policy it violated. If I am really unsure of whether or not it needs to be in moderation, what does my pm say?


Administrator , Forum Moderator
I think this would be relative to the post, thread in question. For example: NCWW Member, I placed your thread in moderation so it can be discussed by a team of moderators due to a possible site policy violation as referenced here.

Prohibited Subjects

  • Expressions of bigotry and intolerance, including negative comments or direct attacks based on race, religion, sex, or sexual preference.
  • "Code words", phrases, or other content that attempt to disguise expressions of bigotry and intolerance
  • Personal attacks by name or implication
  • Harsh or offensive comments
  • Argumentative behavior
  • Profane, Vulgar, or Obscene Language or any representation of such language.
  • Political content.
  • Religious content.
  • Controversial topics of any form except, of course, woodworking.
  • Sexual content or innuendo, no matter how mild
  • Illegal activities of any sort
  • Posted links to prohibited material.
Choose the objective from the policy listing above

If after discussion your post is found to be within policy it will be reinstated. However if we find it in violation of xyz policy it will be deleted from the thread.

It should be relative to the possible violation.

Hope my babbling helps.:dontknow:
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