New Software coming

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New User
vBulletin 3.6 has just been officially released:eusa_danc That means it is time to go through the upgrade process. I am going to wait a week before i do it, since typically they find bugs that have to be fixed. So we'll wait that out.

So on Friday 8/11 at 8:00am. The site will be taken down. For those who have through this before, it will be total. If you try to access the site you will be presented wi h usename and password word box. They will NOT take your site username and password. Everyone will be locked out except me. When I am close to being finished, I will allow one or two people to get to help me find any issues.

The downtime will be at least to Sunday evening and probably longer. I am taking advantage of this update to also make quite a few changes to cleanup a lot leftovers from previous changes

The biggest thnig you will see is the new photo gallery based on Photo Post. which will look and behave quite differently. As discussed previously, your links to the old photo gallery will still be functional and all your old pictures will be moved to the new gallery but the structure of your albums may be different.

The Admins and Moderators have been playing with a pre-release of 3.6, so perhaps they will good enough to share some of the new features.
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New User
Note, given the amount of work this upgrade is going to take, I am now going to take the site down at 8 am instead of at noon.


Thank you, ahead of time, for all the work you will be putting in this weekend on this project. I appreciate your dedication in keeping this site the best it can be.
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