Milestones and intentions.

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New User
In July, it will be the 4th anniversary of this site and later this month we will have our 4th Annual Spring picnic. From the time I started this and now a lot has changed. The biggest change is really what we are. And this is also our biggest problem, getting our users and Members to understand what we are NOW.

Most of you felt you were joining a website and to some degree a "social network" and up until last July that was close to the actual case. But since the newest set of Bylaws has been passed that is definitely not the case.

Articles Of Incorporation said:

Bylaws said:
North Carolina Woodworker, Inc. was formed to promote and provide education,
communication, collaboration, and other services ancillary and reasonably related
to the learning and practice of the art of woodworking
in the state of North
Carolina and surrounding areas.
The primary means by which North Carolina Woodworker, Inc. endeavors to
achieve the foregoing primary purpose is through the Internet Services it provides
to the woodworking community by means of its Website(s). These services
include, but are not limited to, Interactive Discussions, Photo Galleries,
Announcements, and other services that further the primary purpose of the
Corporation. These services are provided free of charge.
The Corporation may also provide services that include, but are not limited to,
lectures, workshops, exhibitions, volunteer opportunities, other woodworking
related charities, demonstrations, tours of woodworking shops and woodworking
related businesses.
The Corporation will always maintain at least one Website that will serve as the
primary means to achieve its purposes and to act as the primary means of
communication by the organization. This Website will contain areas that will
fulfill the following purposes:
3.1.1 Announcements/Calendars
3.1.2 Discussion Forums
3.1.3 Photo Library
3.1.4 Link Library
3.1.5 For Sale/Classifieds
3.1.6 Clearinghouse for requests for help from one woodworker to another​

As you read the above, it is possible to argue about what is intended and what could be changed. But I am the expert on intent, becuase I am the primary author of those words and I know what I meant and what I wanted to endure. The words in some places are not rigid, because, if they were, it could make it very difficult to change anything and that is not what I intended except in a few places.

So what did I, and do I, intend to happen.

A charitable corporation exists for the purposes stated above.
The Website exists as a means to carry out its charter and to serve as a means of organizing the Corporation.
The Website is free.

What are we NOT:

We are NOT a Private Club
We do not and can not have ANY political Agenda (NC & IRS laws)
We are not a Social Network except as happens as a by-product of normal day to day operations.

why am I stating these things? Because, as of July 1, I will no longer be steering this Corporation or this website. So I want to be sure that at the very least, I have stated what I would like to happen. And because there is a very small group of people who are users and/or Corporate Members who seem to want to change some of these very basic principles and I think you should look at what these people are saying. Recognize that there is a very slippery slope. A minor compromise on certain issues today may lead to a situation that is no longer desirable. Once that cat is out of the bag:BangHead::argue: Look at some of the other woodworking sites if you need examples.

Now perhaps I am an idealist, but if you feel you have to change some very basic principles becuase you feel it is necessary to keep to this place afloat, then perhaps it doesn't deserve to stay afloat.:nah::swoon:

Tar Heel

New User
Steve, your vision, dedication, and commitment has served us well and there is very little, if any, change necessary. In my opinion, the only thing that has to be immediately, and continually, addressed is how to make this site financially viable after your financial contribution comes, as it should, to an end. I know it is a trite staement..."if it ain't broke don't fix it" but I really believe it is appropriate here. The vast majority of users/corporate members here are very satisfied with how this site has been run. With the financial challenge that is now facing us, now is not the time to start making changes. Making drastic changes would quite likely result in a lot of people being unhappy which would affect their decision to financially support the site through the quarterly donation drive. I know that you certainly have mixed feelings about relinquishing control and that is understandable. I thank you for what you have done and hope, and believe, that NCWW will be around for a long, long, time as a shining beacon to your vision. Congrats on a job very well done. :eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap


Corporate Member
I, for what it is worth, approve of the way the site is run, and its policies. pretty simple: no discussing politics or religion.

As for keeping this site afloat, it would be helpful to have a $ figure to work towards.


Corporate Member
I understand from what I have read that there is no formal intent for this group to be a social network. I would like to state that the biggest reward that I get from belonging to this site is the social interaction. There are many great people here that I would have never had the opportunity to meet without this wonderful site. Yes, we are fortunate to have a lot of very talented members who are generous in sharing their knowledge of working wood. That to me is a huge bonus, but it is not the reason that I continue to log in everyday. I am not proposing any changes in rules or moderation, etc. I just wanted to express my value of the social experience here.


New User
Just to make my point. it is not the site that has to be viable, it is the corporation. In many ways that is an important distinction
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New User
Jim Campbell
I want to thank you for putting down the spirit of your ideals into the Bylaws.

By turning over the reigns, you are also showing how much faith and trust you have in the people who have gathered here.

First and foremost, I agree with the mission of open, public education. Otherwise, this site becomes something like so many other places. I view the social benefits as an outgrowth of the core mission.

I come to NCWW to learn about woodworking. Learning can be covered in so many ways. Posting, asking, sharing and yes, socializing.

I go to Facebook or Meetup or the local watering hole to socialize.

Keeping the corporation on mission is going to be a great responsibility for the new Board. Your work on the ByLaws, I believe, will help them continue in the spirit of the site.

Thank you,



I fully support the goals of the organization as you have expressed so succinctly in the Bylaws and in this thread. I fully support the free services the website provides and will do all I can to assist the Corporation in meeting those admirable goals and to insure its long-term solvency. With adequate effort by the new Board of Directors and Members, we can all assure the website will remain available to provide the fine services that it gives to the woodworking community. Looking forward, it is my hope that we can do more with workshops, interactive events and services to the user community and to our corporate members as well. You've set the bar at a challenging level, but I believe we have the talent amongst our members to maintain your accomplishments. We all owe you a debt of gratitude for your vision and leadership -- but expect to be called upon when we need your advice!

Bryan S

Corporate Member
Steve by turning over the reigns you are not only showing faith and trust but also forward thinking and that you are looking at long term goals, something that is somewhat lacking in our culture. Your intent of organization and its continued direction is spelled out in the ByLaws and there for all of us to see and understand. I truly understand where you are coming from in your post.

I have to ask did you ever dream this would become what it has?I remember when I first lurked here thinking this was going to be a little group that would go nowhere. Boy was I wrong and I am not ashamed to admit that.


New User
I 100% agree with your intent(s) as stated and really do appreciate all your and others hard work to keep this site running. I too however feel it necessary to put down here that the socialization aspects, ie, hearing about one another's proud human family additions, birthdays, etc. are an integral part of why I find this site to be so pleasurable and familial. I've met some truly great and wonderful folks here that were it not for a kindred interest in woodworking, we would likely have never crossed paths. I would hate to see things interpreted at some future time as to preclude any form of "socialization" between and amongst the memberships being discussed in the forums. It brings the human factor into play and adds much to our individual flavors here. I guess what I'm trying to get out here is that I don' wanna see this turn into wood fibers and carbon steel only exchanges. I can get that from a tech manual.


New User
Ok, I guess I should clarify my remark about social networking. Without a doubt, it is very important. I really do understand and support that aspect of it.

But the reason I wanted to make the point that I did, was that some of the changes in policy that a few people want were being touted for the purposes of the social networking.. I wanted to make the point that we shouldn't make changes in some of our policies solely for the Social Networking benefits, particularly if the changes dilute and/or conflict with the primary goals of the corporation.


Corporate Member
I agree 100% with you. This site is not and should not be a "chat room" but rather a wood working knowledge sharing experience. Sharing between people always requires a certain amount of social interaction which is a result of the success of the site. There are countless other areas and venues to discuss politics and religion.

Jeff :eek:ccasion1
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