Klingspor Event

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New User
I think that the person entering the contest would determine what level they think is appropriate for their skill. I think that we should reserve the right to bump someone up to the higher level if they are being overly modest. i.e Eagle entering his pens in the beginner pen category (which he probably would if he could).



Staff member
Corporate Member
I think that the person entering the contest would determine what level they think is appropriate for their skill. I think that we should reserve the right to bump someone up to the higher level if they are being overly modest. i.e Eagle entering his pens in the beginner pen category (which he probably would if he could).


DaveO I really like your idea :eusa_clap but I am not sure how we accomplish that:dontknow:. It is almost like pre judging and bound to tick a few folks off. Being it is very subjective, we would need a committee to determine what goes where. It might be a simplier process to set guideline for each group. For example a beginner pen turner has been turning pen for less then 6 months while an intermediate has been do so for 6 month to two years...... That was my 2 cents worth.


New User
DaveO I really like your idea :eusa_clap but I am not sure how we accomplish that:dontknow:. It is almost like pre judging and bound to tick a few folks off. Being it is very subjective, we would need a committee to determine what goes where. It might be a simplier process to set guideline for each group. For example a beginner pen turner has been turning pen for less then 6 months while an intermediate has been do so for 6 month to two years...... That was my 2 cents worth.

What I am trying to say shouldn't tick off anyone unless they truly believe they aren't worthy of a higher ranking. I can see many folks on this site who are very modest of their skills entering a spectacular piece in the beginner category even thought they should really be classified as advanced. For example someone like Eagle who has always discounted his skills entering one of his pens in the beginner group along side AlexL, who really is a beginner (although progressing very rapidly towards advanced). This situation may not ever come to a reality, but I feel if we (advisory panel/staff in general) are going to have skill categories, we need to have the right to adjust the entry's category if deemed worthy. But never down, only up.



But length of time does not necessarily mean the same thing to one as another. I may have 2 years working on a lathe - but I have not turned anything for over a year. And even if I was turning, it wouldn't be more than 2 or two hous/day. Compare that hour or two per day to someone who gets 5 hours and someone with talent - I'd still be in the beginner category. Unless someone is grossly misjudging their skill level I think we should stay out of it. If we decide to evaluate which category something belongs in, the same folks need to evaluate all the entries for consistency.
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