Image suggestion

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Senior User

Is this the right place for suggestions?

What would it take to get something like "fancy zoom" (or something similar) integrated into the site?

it would just require that the admin download the package, and add a couple of lines to the header for the site.

It would allow nice javascript popups for inline images. For a site like this I would think it is free (since this is not commercial)

Thoughts? I use is it on my blog-- it wouldn't require any special programming on the posting side.

Take a look here to see it in use:

Mike Davis

Corporate Member
It's not up to me, but I don't like it. Slow, shows only part of the picture and our thumbnail photos are better.

If it was super fast and worked on mouse over I might like it better.


Senior User
It's not up to me, but I don't like it. Slow, shows only part of the picture and our thumbnail photos are better.

If it was super fast and worked on mouse over I might like it better.

Don't judge the thumbnails or speed on that site, I have been having performance issues with that provider for the past few days (it is a shared server, and someone seems to be hogging). The thumbnails are also due to the way I had the blog site set up, I am working on getting them to be the correct aspect ratio.

(I personally find that mouseover stuff just gets irritating)

But, again, it was a suggestion.

I REALLY like the way that the festool owner's group does them (it is kind of a toggle, so they stay in place-- pretty slick), but this seemed like the least work on the admin's part


New User
Jim Campbell
Nice blog btw!

Personally, I find those image viewing things annoying. But, thats just how I prefer to browse. Heck, I'm still bitter over web browsers showing any images at all!


Anyhoo, its a neat idea, and thanks for bringing it up.



New User

Is this the right place for suggestions?

What would it take to get something like "fancy zoom" (or something similar) integrated into the site?

it would just require that the admin download the package, and add a couple of lines to the header for the site.

It would allow nice javascript popups for inline images. For a site like this I would think it is free (since this is not commercial)

Thoughts? I use is it on my blog-- it wouldn't require any special programming on the posting side.

Take a look here to see it in use:
It is a great suggestion, in general. However, it is not as easy as you think, because of the multitude of PHP based packages being used on the site. Not hard, just not easy. Each of these packages has its own image interface and features.:BangHead:

Shortly after the picnic, we'll be doing a major upgrade of the versions of software that drive this system. When we finish them and then have made all the basic image features consistant throughout the site, then I will be happy to start actually trying some new features.

Right now, it would be hard to get any consensus on a new feature of any kind.

If you don't minf, I'd like to contact you next week to get more details on your suggestion and some others


New User
I've thought the same thing many times ... especially when people use the "thumbnail" only tag (I assume by accident) on a post to get a picture in there. There is no way to actually see the detail, and it's a bit of a chase to find the full size picture. This would be a nice addition to the thumbnail of a posted picture.

As for the speed ... that is usually controllable by the component. There are a million of these similar effects in the open source / free source world usually under the (now generic) calling "Light Box"

Mike Davis

Corporate Member
Wouldn't it be better and more consistent to eliminate thumbnail only? So that anytime you post a thumbnail it will link to the large pic.


New User
Jim Campbell
In an attempt to jump out ahead of the new Board of Directors, Steve and anyone else who likes cookies in milk....

I propse we petition the new Board to create a Committee to Standardise Images.

Personally, I'd love to see a group of us, many in this thread I'd guess, work together to improve the sites image functionality.



New User
In an attempt to jump out ahead of the new Board of Directors, Steve and anyone else who likes cookies in milk....

I propse we petition the new Board to create a Committee to Standardise Images.

Personally, I'd love to see a group of us, many in this thread I'd guess, work together to improve the sites image functionality.

That's a request that goes to webmaster not to BOD unless you want to try to force a member' vote. That's a bureaucratic nightmare
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New User
BTW, i have something to say about User Interface designed by comittee..


New User
Jim Campbell
Thanks for clarifying. I sure don't wanna start anything bureau-cratic. I prefer dresser-cratic or queen anne highboy-cratic.



New User
Jim Campbell

Are you telling me you don't drive around in your Edsel drinking New Coke? :p


BTW, i have something to say about User Interface designed by comittee..
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