[How Do I-Help Desk] How Do I submit a new smiley?

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New User
Joel Jordan
Or perhaps import some I have into a message post? I'm glad to share if they can be added to the pallette but I cant seem to figure out how to do either. :eusa_thin

I feel like the little boy who dropped his bubble gum in the chicken house... I'm just confused ! :shock:


New User
I don't think that new smilies can be added easily to the list offered at the bottom of the reply box. I have used "non-stock" smilies by copying the URL of the smilie image and then inserting it just like you would do with a picture.

this one is for Roger

I am sure there are better ways of going about this, but that's how I've made it work.



New User
Joel that sounds like a great idea for an improvement. But right now we are all working on getting ready for an update to our base software, vbulletin. Perhaps after that is done we might take a look at that as an improvement we can do.


:kermit::coffee2::rotflm: Actually, adding one to a single post is easy. Click on the smiley face above and scroll down to the bottom, you can click on "Show All Smilies". Click on the one you want and close the window. Your smiley is in your post. Now to add that permanently to those listed at the bottom would be a whole other thing. If we do ever add, I love the little guy rolling on the floor laughing - it is so much more effective than rofl.


New User
Joel Jordan
Thanks for the replies all. I did not think you could add smiley to the general plalette but thought I'd ask. This weekend I'm gonna learn how to do that linkage thing DaveO was talking about. :eusa_thin

Steve - no pressure. You guys do an AWESOME job :eusa_clap:eusa_clap at keeping the site up. Thank You!!!:eusa_danc:icon_thum:eusa_clap


New User
I have a mode installed to let everyone create their own default pallete of smilies from all the smilies available. I just need to tune a few settings and I'll announce it and the details tomorrow sometime. I think I can also provide a quick and dirty way for people to upload their own smilies in addition if you are willing to share their use with others. Stay tuned:yes:


New User
You are amazing Papa Smurf! (where did the Papa Smurf title come from? Was that one of the things in place before I joined?) Thanks for the additions!

I looked back and realized that I should've been able to guess who started the Papa Smurf title - D L Ames! Of course, with this crowd it could have been anyone - lol!
Cathy, that thread is in the Mods forum and can't be seen by most of the members:violent1::wub::crybaby2::wsmile::qright5: :goofy: :rotflm::rotflm:


Corporate Member
OK Pappa Smurf, you're gonna have to unlock that one so us newbies can read it. We want to know where the name came from!!!:yes::teeth_smi:jiggy::tinysmile_classes_t:):biggrin:


New User
OK Pappa Smurf, you're gonna have to unlock that one so us newbies can read it. We want to know where the name came from!!!:yes::teeth_smi:jiggy::tinysmile_classes_t:):biggrin:
There really is no way to unlock a thread that is house in a private forum. So I'll just quote the thread and put it in this post. As you'll see, it wasn't anything special or ecven that funny. It was just a thread about deciding some titles, which obviously never got anywhere.

OldThread said:
The way this has ended up, I don't really think we have much of a difference between administrators and moderator. Or am I missing something?:eusa_thin

As Martha says, "It's a good thing", that we have a lot of good folks who are skilled in computers. I take it that is what you were eluding to. ????


Actually, I'm not. I was thinking that all the mods have some level of access to the admin panel and the admins are also doing "moderation"

I think that everybody is working together as a team. If you want to get technical, the Mods have the ability to do what the Admins can, but in my case not the knowledge. I can create albums...that's all, and make sure that everyone feels a part of the group. I think that you have got a great group of "staff" here, and we all want to help this site to prosper.

That is what I was getting at. Should we consider changing the titles of moderators and administrators to the same thing such as staff or Galactic Emperor:lol:

I like Galactic Emperors myself. "Staff" sounds to much like a job at summer camp. Possibly "Support Team", or
El Conquistador :lol: :lol: :lol:


I am the newbie and still figuring out what needs to be done. Making everyone one title, maybe moderators is best. I agree, this seems to be a very good bunch that works together. Pay is the pits, but what can you expect?

I'd go for "Webstaff" but would nix "Big Brother", or "Big Sister" in Cathy's case; and Steve shouldn't be "Darth Vader" and Dave shouldn't the "Big Lush". :lol: :lol: Sorry for my bad humor :slap: .

Like Travis, I'm just learning the ropes here and there's lots to learn.


I like dave's idea.

I personally dont' like "Staff" Just gives me the willies...

Actually, "Administrator" would be the most recognizable title you could give.

Grand poobah and loyal subjects would be my first pick :lol: . Another moderator title might be Forum Assistant if your concern is that other folks don't know who to contact.

Otherwise, I think Administrator is good and for all it really matters at this point, moderators included in that or separate really doesn't matter. You might want to leave it alone and we'll (this part of the group) know that admin's mess with parts of the control panel the rest of us don't.

You could also walk me/us through other likely places in the control panel we might need to be and I/we could write up the steps of how to do that particular thing.

Guess I don't know what has brought this topic up which could affect my answer.

How about nerds in the hood? Kinda long... but catchy

You can call me anything you want........just don't call me late for supper.:lol:

I motion that we nominate SteveC to be titled as Papa Smurf.:icon_bigs Do we have a second?


I second.

For Steve's suggestion, modify to nerd herd.:)

nerd herd - that's cute.

I am cool with whatever. Anything works.

Okay, my last suggestion: Steve is "The Man" and we are all "Help Mates"... DaveO should be "First Mate"....:-D


Well, even though the only one that kind of stuck was Papa Smurf, I thought the thread was kind of funny. I forgot to look at which forum it was in. Thanks for sharing.


New User
I'm just glad that "Big Lush" didn't stick for me :D
I always get a chuckle looking back at old threads on how this site has evolved.
I still would like to be known as
El Conquistador :wwink:



New User
Speaking of evolving, what is up with the smilie list. It has changed several times over the last few days. Many of the smilies that I rely upon to "adequately express my emotions" are no longer there (readily available without having to go "advanced":roll:). I really like the idea of having our own personal smilie selection, but right now I am lacking in some of my favorites. At least the most important one :), hasn't been moved. Without it I couldn't be-


Speaking of evolving, what is up with the smilie list. It has changed several times over the last few days. Many of the smilies that I rely upon to "adequately express my emotions" are no longer there (readily available without having to go "advanced":roll:). I really like the idea of having our own personal smilie selection, but right now I am lacking in some of my favorites. At least the most important one :), hasn't been moved. Without it I couldn't be-

Read post #7 iun this thread.


New User
Speaking of evolving, what is up with the smilie list. It has changed several times over the last few days. Many of the smilies that I rely upon to "adequately express my emotions" are no longer there (readily available without having to go "advanced":roll:). I really like the idea of having our own personal smilie selection, but right now I am lacking in some of my favorites. At least the most important one :), hasn't been moved. Without it I couldn't be-
Sorry Dave and all, my tuning is taking a bit longer than I thought. Probably tonight.


New User
Steve I know that you have to break a few eggs to make an omlet. I know that when things get a little weird on the site it generally means that the site will be better for it. Take your time, what ever you're "tuning" will be worth the wait.
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