Hello everyone and god bless,,Glad I found this place

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New User
Hello everyone,
New user here but not new to woodworking, After graduating school I took an apprenticeship for 2 years with a local furniture maker. I learned a lot and then joined the army. Now im here in NC and am trying to set up my shop to start a custom cabinet and furniture shop when I get out. I hope to find some good friends here, help out as much as I can, and of course tap into the wealth of knowledge that Im sure that all of you have more than I do. If anyone needs help with anything (doesnt matter what it is, I will try to help any friend out) just let me know, Im positive that something good comes from everything life has to throw at us. God bless everyone and I look forward to chatin with everyone. I also have som tools that I just dont use that I will be trading,selling, or giving away so keep your eyes peeled for that one. Have a blessed day and good to be here with you all.

Michael Garner


New User
Welcome to the site!!!! I wish you luck in your new endevor. You are amoung good people here and many very much like you. We have a great presence from the military and professional furniture/cabinetmakers. You have perked my interest with your used tool teaser, I will keep an eye out for them. Dave:)


New User
Wecome Michael! I always need help, advice and more tools! Look forward to hearing more from you.


Steve D

Steve DeWeese
Welcome aboard. You will find a very receptive group here (especially to the talk of free tools). Feel free to jump in with advice and questions. We look forward to seeing pictures of some of your work.


Clay Lowman
I am glad you found us. You mentioned you joined the army.. Does that mean that you are still in the army stationed here? Be sure you post some pictures, all of us here are sure fire suckers for pictures of member's work...


Welcome to the NCWW forum. Lots of good people here with lots of talent -- looking forward to hearing about and seeing pictures of your projects -- make sure you ask for a photo gallery under Request Services if you've got photos to share...

Did I hear free tools? Are they Woodguy Disease free? :eusa_thin (If you really want to know about this rampant affliction that seems to be affecting many of us, then read this thread and you'll laugh as hard as we all did!)
Anyhow, welcome aboard! Rob


Let me add my welcome to the others'. We're tickled to have you join us. There are lots of folks here with a lot of knowledge (pretty sure that I am not one of them but I'll share what I know-won't take long!!) and everyone is always willing to share. Please post pictures in the gallery when you get a chance. One thing we are big on is that if there is no picture- it didn't happen! Oh yeah, did I hear "tools" available?


New User
LOL,,,I think I had the dreaded "Woodguy Disease" from the day I was born,,LOL.. Just to answer some questions. I am still in the army, I am stationed at FT. Bragg 112th SPEC OPS (dont let the name scare you Im an undercover computer nerd) Joining the army was always a dream of mine. When I was a young boy my mother had to work so I stayed on the farm with my Grandpa riding tractors and horses. I was blessed to be one of the two people he talked about WWII with and even though I didnt know it at the time it sparked a flame of service and pride in me to join the army. I remember all the stories he told me growing up and am proud to do my part (we all do our part in some way for God and our Great Nation) But with all the deployments and being away from my best friend (better half,aka wife) and my red-headed irish boys its taking a toll on my heart. I have until 2008 and im sure i will see a couple more deployments during that time. God be willing I plan on setting up my shop finally and doing what I love to do,,im sure you all understand that. I know that I dont know it all, and with the help of one another we "collectively can accomplish great things. Thanks for helping me feel welcome and at home. Im doing some college classes tonight but will definitely get my list of tools and pics up for people. Have a blessed day and if anyone needs anything just get ahold of me.

Michael Garner


Thank you and all other folks in the military for your sacrifices and service!
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Hey - can we give WG a handicap before he can look at any tools posted? Guess I should have asked that after class on Saturday, huh?


Hey, one thing you'll find about this site is everyone, and I mean everyone has something to offer. It is a great place and I've only been here little more than a week. The folks here are very real, well as real as the cyber world allows. But they make everyone feel very welcomed and part of the club right off. Even undercover computer nerds that wear cute little berets!

Just kiddin...I'm a recently retired jarhead myself. Welcome. Look forward to seeing your work...


New User
Glad to have you here. All active duty military get 50% off their membership fees.:lol:

Sorry, I was away all day and when I came back the site was down. Some computer nerd in the CA datacenter actually pulled our plug while working on another server in the same rack

D L Ames

New User
D L Ames
Michael, welcome to the site. Its good to see another WW'er from the Bragg area. I am right across the street from you at USASFC. Post some pics so we can all see your work.



New User
My middle name is Michael, so we must be related :lol:

I know the military has some difficulty recruiting now, but NC Woodworker troop population continues to grow :oops: We're glad to add you to our "force".

Good luck in you business adventure:icon_thum

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