Glue for bent wood laminations

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The WaMoo

New User
I am building a sleigh bed from walnut featuring multiple slats instead of a solid field for the head board and foot board. I am planning to use bent wood laminations for the compound curved slats. This will be my first venuture into bentwood lamination. I have already made the two forms for clamping the laminates, including a cork surface on both clamping faces. Now I am fretting over the type of glue to use. I had planned to use Titebond III but have just read that PVA has little resistance to glue creep and is not acceptable for curved laminations. Can someone give me guidance? Making 34 curved pieces is a H*** of a lot of work and I don't want to screw it up
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New User
Mark Gordon
I have made several bendwood laminations using good old pva wood glue. The same stuff I use everyday. All projects are still standing and experience not "glue creep". I would (wood) go with the III waterproof stuff but for indoor aplications, it's all good.

The WaMoo

New User
Thanks to both of you for the quick reply. I much preferred to use the Titebond glue as opposed to epoxy or polyurethane. I suppose if one reads enough it is easy to find someone who will warn against doing almost anything. The quote at the end of Mike's message probably covers this quite well.


New User
Plastic resin glue
is often recommended for bent laminations for several reasons. It has a very long open time, and it creates a very rigid bond and hard glue line. TBII/III (PVA glues) offer a slightly flexible glue line that can give some spring back and the possibility of glue-line creep.
I am sure that your glue up will work with TBIII and won't fall apart, but you might be able to work at a less frenzied pace using a PR glue.

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New User
Let me put in a plug for Klingspor. They offer TitebondCold Press Glue for $9.95 per qt. Granted it is used for large scale bonding of veneers to flat surfaces, but it is specially formulated for cold press laminating of wood. Their stock # is FG05175.
Jim in Mayberry


Corporate Member
Ace has this available for free shipping to your local store:

Make sure it's fresh as this has a 12 month shelf life. There was a discussion a few weeks ago on Woodnet about the lot numbers DAP uses on their containers. This is the gist of what was reported:
Weldwood Plastic Resin Glue:
There is a sticker on the container with a 7 digit code.
The first 3 digits are ignored. The 4th digit is the year
and the 5th-7th digits are the Julian day.


New User
I'd have to agree with the Plastic Resin glue ... everything I've ever read or watched seems to lean that way for laminations.
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