Freud 97-106 Door making set

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Corporate Member
Purchased this set and am having difficulty using the raised panel with backcutter. This set is in the original wooden box and the illustrations in the box show the profiles for use with 3/4 in. lumber.
I have attempted to use the backcutter with 3/4 lumber and can not get the profile as illustrated. IE : I can get the raised panel profile but NOT the backcutter piece. It appears that this bit is made for 1 inch lumber
as the distance from the raised panel cutter to the back cutter is one inch. After many calls to Freud, it appears I am getting the old run around and not a sraight answer.
Further proof is they have re-packeged this set in a plastic box with the same cutter BUT it now it has a different profile.
So - my question is - Does anyone else have this set ? and have they experienced this problem ?

Travis Porter

Corporate Member
I don't have this set, but normally Freud bits work as advertised. Looking on the net, does this have a bearing? Does it have the shims to change the backcutter adjustment?

Charles M

New User
Sorry for any confusion. There are some incorrect drawings on the new packaging that show the cut profile if the bit is too low and the back cut too deep. With the back cutter set to take 1/8" the profile will be correct.


Corporate Member
Thanks for the reply. However, the profile I want and I thought I was getting is on the older wooden box not the new plastic box.
I have been trying to download the freud catalog from the freudtools site but have not been successful due to an Adobe problem. What I am looking for are the dimensions for freud 99-566, which is advertised as raised panel with backcutters for 3/4 inch lumber. I do not have that bit but it advertises and looks like the one I want.
F.Y.I. the number on the shank of my bit is 99-5661.
When I called Freud they had no knowledge of 99-5661.
I want a full 1/4 inch cut to insert into my doors and I want a raised panel cut with the step all using 3/4 inch lumber.
Yes I did remove the shims under the backcutter - no help.

Charles M

New User
Here's the correct (older) drawing from the catalog:

The bit has not changed but a new drawing was made to add realism and the artist made an error in rendering it. When shimmed for a 6mm tongue (the factory setting and the correct size for Freud stile and rail bits) you will get more than 1/16" step on the front when you make a 1/8" back cut. The incorrect drawing on the new set shows a 3/16" back cut and no step on the front. Also, the item number on your bit is 99-5661 instead of 99-566 to indicate that it is from a set.


Corporate Member
A very big thank you to Charles M the Freud guy for clearing up the confusion with the illustrations. Also a big thank you to the moderator and founders of this Web site for the ability of some of us
wood butchers (me) to obtain information and help.
I am happy to report that crow tastes terrible especially mixed with red oak shavings. It was my own impatience in doubting this great tool.
However, the WONDERFUL Freud 97-106 Door making set works as designed and does an absolutely beautiful job of making raised panels and backcutting. This thing actually make shavings from my raised panels - beautiful.
For anyone else comtemplating using this set , go slow with router speed and cutting. I made about four shallow passes to get a great profile with and against the grain.


New User
Pete, that is great to hear. I was very surprised when I first read that you were having trouble with a Freud product, they have always been excellent performers IMHO. CharlesM will be very glad to hear that he was able to help, he's a great assest to this and other forums.
Now lets see some pictures of these doors and cabinets :icon_thum



Corporate Member
Actually, The raisied panels are for two queen size beds. I will post
progress pictures when completed.
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